The awkwardness of accidental sex

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I know this is early but it's now or wait until next week haha, I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow as I have to wake up at 7am to go to comic con, it's currently 11:05 and I was told to go to sleep at 10 but yeah I was busy. I have started writing another story called 'Playing with fire' so if you're interested in witches and sasunaru then go read that, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update but trust me when I say I'm trying my hardest for you guys!

I have been editing a video for about an hour for me and my friends group youtube channel which I will be uploading once I've done this, I also have been watching video's on how to put a facecam to your video's so I will be able to do my new cosplay idea: Sasuke and Naruto play outlast. Please leave a review telling me if you like the idea and I will send you a link to the channel so you can watch the video I've already done and so you will get told when I upload the next ones, also I'll happily give the link to the other channel I do.

Also I'll give out the link to 'Bowl of ramen pro's fb page so you can check out the pictures I'll be taking this weekend at the con! Thank you so much for all the reviews as they give me confidence to upload another chapter and I'm just wasting time blabbing right now, tell me if you actually read this bit please xD Now on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Sasuke groaned quietly as the loud ringing signalling breakfast awoke him from his peaceful slumber. Rubbing his ebony eyes the Uchiha sat up in his bed and stretched, it was then he realized he was naked. Slightly confused, he stared down at the messy blankets that covered him and the memories of the previous night entered his mind. 'Fuck' Sasuke thought as he looked back up and scanned the room for his blonde haired roommate. Once he was sure there was no signal of Naruto the raven let out a long groan of irritation and frustration at himself and at how stupid he was at letting his feelings get the better of him in his drunken state of mind.

Standing up Sasuke ran quickly into the bathroom where he was able to block out all of his thoughts and regrets and slight inner happiness with a hot and steamy shower. After showing Sasuke grabbed some clothes before taking a small look at his soiled bed, shrugging, and walking out deciding to deal with it later.


"Kiba help me!" Naruto shouted, he had been banging on his best friends door for hours since he realized he wasn't going to sleep and he wasn't staying in that room.

"Calm down, kit, calm... What happened?" Kiba asked, his voice laced with sleep, standing in his doorway in his boxers, blushing slightly Naruto walked into the room and sat on Kiba's bed loudly, waking up a sleeping Neji and Gaara who had passed out on Kiba's spare bed.

"Morning bull in a china shop.." Neji said yawning.

"Shut up guys this is serious... You know after I left?"

"Yeah? You were practically shoving your tongue down Sasuke's throat" Gaara said chuckling as he sat up from Neji's lap and stretched, now interested in where the story was going.

Blushing even more and shooting a glare at Gaara Naruto sighed and ran his hands through his messy blonde hair, "we had sex.." he mumbled, hiding his head in his hands in fear of his friends laughing or being freaked out.

"Seriously?" Neji asked, standing up and walking over to Naruto, lifting his face up with his hand. Naruto nodded and avoided Neji's eyes. The long haired teen gave a small chuckle and let his head drop, "I'm going to go get Iruka.."

"No you can't!" Naruto blurted out, surprising Kiba and Gaara with the outburst. Quieting down Naruto changed his answer, "at least not until after group..."

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