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Sam was piloting Rhodey, Steve, Natasha, Wanda and Vision.

Steve walked up to the pilot's seat and said, "Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0."

"I hope you're right about this Cap," Sam stated. "Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."

The Quinjet passed through a camoflauge force field into Wakanda's Golden City's valley and landed at the airfield outside the palace. King T'Challa and the Dora Milaje approached to greet the arrivals.

Okoye, walking with T'Challa and a band of the Kingsguard to the landing pad, said, "When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world... this is not what I imagined."

"And what did you imagine?" T'Challa asked.

"The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks."

The occupants of the Quinjet disembarked, Steve and Natasha leading, followed by Bruce and Rhodey, with Vision and Wanda slowly taking up the rear.

"Should we bow?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, he's a king," Rhodey replied seriously.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," Steve said as he shook hands with King T'Challa.

Bruce bowed awkwardly to T'Challa before Rhodey asked in a mock shocked tone, "What are you doing?"

"Uh, we don't do that here," T'Challa told him. He dissuaded Bruce with a motion of his hand; Bruce shot Rhodey a look and was answered with a big grin. "So how big of an assault can we expect?"

The group began walking back into the administrative building.

Bruce said, "Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault."

"How we looking?" Natasha asked.

"You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." T'Challa was cut off.

Bucky smiled as he walked toward Steve, passing some of the Kingsguard taking Vision and Wanda to another facility before he said, "A semi-stable 100-year-old-man."

The two friends shared a hug.

"How you been, Buck?" Steve asked.

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world."

"Hey, Nessa. How are you?"

Nessa waved shyly and looked at the blonde. "Is that her?"

Steve glanced back and nodded. "Did you want me to introduce you?"

Nessa nodded slowly and Steve ushered Natasha forward as he said, "Nat, this is Nessa. Nessa, Nat."

Natasha smiled. "Hey."

Nessa studied her daughter and a light smile formed. "You have my jawline."

"Your-" Her brow furrowed as she came to a realization. "Are you my mother? I was told Dreykov killed you."

"Then you were told a lie. I was assumed dead to prevent anyone from looking for me." She glanced at Bucky and smiled. "We never wanted you to be sent to the Red Room."

Natasha pursed her lips and shrugged. "It made me who I am. I've got to go, but we'll definitely talk more."

"I'm looking forward to it."

As Natasha walked away, Nessa turned to Bucky with a grin. "That was much easier than I thought it'd be."

"You did wonderfully, Ness."

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