December 3, 1984

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Nessa gripped the handlebars of the bed tightly as she pushed. Where was her husband? She needed him.

A short while later, though it felt like forever to Nessa, the cries of a baby filled the air.

Nessa was handed her baby and held her daughter's tiny fist. "Hello, Natalia. My darling, I will never let you endure the horrors I have if I can help it."

Men in green uniforms stomped in and the commander ordered, "Дайте нам девушку."

(Give us the girl.)

Nessa narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "Нет. Она моя дочь. Ты не заберешь ее у меня."

(No. She's my daughter. You'll not take her from me.)

"Дай мне ребенка. Я не буду спрашивать снова."

(Give me the baby. I won't ask again.)

Nessa's eyes narrowed and she spat, "Вам придется убить меня, если вы хотите забрать ее."

(You'll have to kill me if you want to take her.)

"Нет, ты слишком ценен. Солдат, Возьми ребенка."

(No, you're far too valuable. Soldier, take the child.)

Silently, the Soldier took his daughter, giving Nessa a brief look and the two locked eyes for a moment.

The commander said, "Солдат, отдай ее мне."

(Soldier, give her to me.)

"Нет. Она моя дочь," Bucky argued.

(No. She's my daughter.)

"Наденьте на него наручники и возьмите девушку. Наденьте наручники и на Рубиновую вдову. Когда придет время, девушка получит надлежащее обучение. А до тех пор ее будет воспитывать тот, кого мы выберем. Два должны быть вытерты и положить на лед. Держите ее отдельно от него. Я дам ей дальнейшие инструкции позже."

(Cuff him and take the girl. Cuff the Ruby Widow as well. When the time is right, the girl will get a proper training. Until then, she will be raised by who we choose. The two must be wiped and put on ice. Keep her separate from him. I will give further instructions for her later.)

Baby Natalia was taken from her father's arms.

Little the two knew what fate had in store for them.

Once upon a December, the world took away all a young mother loved.

But the world became a little kinder as the years went on and sleep had a way of passing time far faster than anyone cared to measure.

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