December 22, 1980

270 9 1

The Soldier walked into a room where Widows were practicing a ballet routine.

One young woman in particular caught his attention, but he averted his gaze. He couldn't afford distractions.

The man in charge of watching the Soldier said, "Солдат, ты должен тренировать женщину с пылающими волосами."

(Soldier, you're to train the woman with flaming hair.)

He mentally cursed. She was the one he was hoping to avoid. "Ей? Почему она?"

(Her? Why her?)

"Делай, как тебе говорят. Нет вопросов."

(Do as you're told. No questions.)

The Soldier nodded and walked up to the woman. "Покажи мне, что ты знаешь."

(Show me what you know.)

The woman said nothing, but shot three bullets at a target behind him, getting three bullseyes in the head.

She met his eyes with a light smirk. "Вам этого было достаточно?"

(Was that enough for you?)

"Можно ли драться ножом?"

(Can you fight with a knife?)

She scoffed and threw the knife at the target, hitting it in the heart.

The woman looked at him once again. "Да. Я умею драться ножом. Скажи мне тогда, Солдат. Зачем мне тренер?"

(Yes. I can fight with a knife. Tell me then, Soldier. Why do I need a trainer?)

The Soldier's lips twitched slightly. "Всегда есть возможности для улучшения. У тебя есть имя?"

(There's always room for improvement. Do you have a name?)

The woman looked around warily before saying quietly, "Несса. Меня зовут Несса. У тебя есть имя, Солдат?"

(Nessa. My name is Nessa. Do you have a name, Soldier?)

The Soldier frowned, trying to search for anything, but nothing came. "Я знаю, что должен, но я не могу вспомнить."

(I know I must, but I can't remember.)

Nessa noticed something silver poking out of one of his pockets. She grabbed the Soldier's arm and pulled him to a spot where they couldn't be seen before taking a look at the dog tags, which the Soldier found surprising that he still had them. He would've thought they'd have taken them. Or maybe he'd found them and pocketed them at some point. He couldn't remember.

"Согласно этим, вас зовут Джеймс. Кто такой... Бьюкенен? Это забавное имя."

(According to these, your name is James. Who is... Buchanan? That's a funny name.)

He smiled and replied, "Президент Соединенных Штатов."

(A president of the United States.)

"Вас назвали в честь президента с таким именем?" A teasing smile crossed her face. "Мне почти жаль тебя."

(You were named after a president with this name? I almost feel sorry for you.)

Bucky's expression turned serious. Something about this woman made him question everything. "Как давно ты здесь?"

(How long have you been here?)

"Чертовски долго. Пожалуйста, помоги мне выбраться отсюда, Джеймс."

(Too damn long. Please help me out of here, James.)

He looked around, thought for a moment, and nodded. "Где ближайший выход?"

(Where's the nearest exit?)

She pointed to a hallway just past them. "Через здесь. Но мы должны быть быстрыми, и нам нужно быть осторожными и молчаливыми."

(Through here. But we must be quick, and we need to be careful, and silent.)

Bucky nodded and said, "Если они поймают нас, кто знает, что они сделают."

(If they catch us, who knows what they'll do.)

Nessa shook her head. "Мне все равно, что они делают со мной. Я просто хочу покинуть это место и, надеюсь, никогда не вернусь сюда."

(I don't care what they do to me. I just want to leave this place and hopefully never be thrust back in.)

"Я мог бы иметь некоторые места в виду. Но мы не можем оставаться на одном месте слишком долго, Несса. Иначе нас найдут и разлучат."

(I might have some places in mind. We can't stay in one place for too long, though, Nessa. Otherwise they'll find us and separate us.)

"Я не могу этого объяснить, но что-то в тебе привлекает меня к тебе, Джеймс. И я намерен выяснить, что именно."

(I can't explain it, but something about you draws me to you, James. And I intend to figure out what exactly that is.)

"Тихо. Мы должны молчать, чтобы нас не услышали."

(Quiet. We've got to be silent so they don't hear us.)

The two managed to leave, but they managed only a few days before they were caught.

Nessa's arms were held tightly, as her superiors forced her to watch the Soldier's brainwashing.

"Нет! Пожалуйста остановись! Джеймс, вернись ко мне. Пожалуйста." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Ты единственная хорошая вещь, которую я нашел."

(No! Please, stop! James, come back to me. Please. You're the only good thing I've found.)

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