July 4, 1982

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Bucky and Nessa had managed to escape again, and silently prayed they wouldn't be found. But that was always certain to happen eventually.

Nessa studied the man she adored with a frown. "Что такое, мой дорогой?"

(What is it, my dear?)

Bucky turned to her. "There's something about this day, Ness. But I can't remember what." He licked his lips and laced his fingers through hers. "Ness, will you marry me?"

Nessa stared at him a moment, long enough for him to panic, and she nodded and said in English, "Yes, James, I will marry you." She frowned. "How will we do this?"

"I've found a small church, if you want to use it."

Nessa shook her head. "No, no churches. What if we get spotted, or get taken back?"

"Fair. I figured you might say that, so I brought him here."

"Here? James, what if he says something to someone?!"

"He's promised he won't."

Her eyes narrowed. "And you can trust him? James, not everyone can be trusted."

"He promised, Nessa. Sometimes we need a little trust."

A knock sounded on the door and Bucky opened it.

A man in a black pants and a shirt entered and smiled at the two. "Your secret is safe with me, rest assured."

Per Nessa's request, the small ceremony was quick; the priest was there less than an hour.

As soon as he left, Nessa watched to make sure he didn't get caught.

When she was reasonably certain all was well, she turned to the man she called husband and said, "I hope you know I want a family."

Bucky smiled and stepped closer to her. "I do too. But what about the Graduation Ceremony?"

"I was the exception for some reason. They've never told me why. But I suppose it's for the best." She shuddered. "I've heard countless horror stories."

Bucky took her hands as he said, "How about we enjoy us for a little while. It's too recent after our escape and I'd rather wait until we feel a little safer."

She nodded. "Yes, I agree. I'm glad I met you, James."

"I'm glad I met you, Nessa." He kissed her and the two stood in an oddly comfortable silence, despite the couple years they'd know each other.

Tonight was something Nessa wouldn't change for the world. She could only hope HYDRA and the KGB wouldn't find them for awhile, perhaps forever, but she knew that was probably too much of a hope.

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