April 16, 1984

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In the little hideout, she and her husband were staying in, Nessa prepared a small, special meal.

When Bucky entered, she smiled and said, "I've something to say."

Bucky returned her smile. "What, doll?"

She handed him a note she'd written and waited anxiously for him to read it.

His eyes scanned the paper and met her eyes. "Are you really, Ness?"

Nessa nodded. "I am. And if we have a girl, I know what I wish to name her."

"And what would that be?"

She smiled as she stepped closer to her husband and whispered in his ear.

Bucky kissed her temple before picking her up and spun her around, causing her to laugh.

He gently set her down and asked, "How far along are you?"

"By my calculations, about a month."

He kissed her again and cupped her cheeks. "Ness, we're gonna be parents."

She nodded excitedly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yes we are, James."

"What are you making? It smells delicious."

"A simple chicken with lemon. A little something special for such an occasion."

"I'd say the occasion is well deserved."

As soon as good was ready, Nessa dished out two plates and set them on the table.

The two sat and ate, enjoying each other's company and the blessing soon to come.

For once, the fear of capture had faded to the back of their minds.

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