Chapter 22 | Tired

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Aayat آيت

I glare at the door were Arhaan had just disappeared after showing some mercy on me.

The embarrassment that I am feeling is so high that I do not even bother to change from my heavy clothes but ducked inside the comforter making pathetic attempts to disappear from this world for being so dumb or over smart, I am can never be neutral!

My cheeks are on high flame and I keep myself dunged inside the duvet and what felt like seconds later which I am sure is more than clear 10 minutes the door of bathroom creeks open and the man who embarrassed me walks out in his casual wear.

And I am seeing all of this from the tiny hole, gap that I made to see his movements.

He stops on his tract and looks at my direction Eventhough I can only see his lower body I try to form all the expressions on his face.

An amused chuckle almost inaudible echos through the room and I bite my lower lip out of nervousness.

When I see him nearing towards the bed, I put forth all my childhood acting skills, and pretend to be in deep sleep.

My heart beat only raises when he sits on his side and carefully calls for me "Aayat?" His voice sounding heavenly like always for my creepy ears.

He does not give any warning and his large palm hold the duvet and pulls it down to reveal my face which I am trying my best to keep calm when a gasp was so close to be out.

Not having any intention of leaving me alone he brushes my hair gently and I try relaxing under his touch cause I know my whole body is stiff and frozen like peas but thanks to the thick duvet I am safe under his gaze.

I can feel his eyes on me as he gently caresses my hair and after few minutes he moves and switches off the light.

This might be the Worst First Night Ever of a newly married couple—who are not forced, let me add.

No talk, No secrets being shared, No laughter, No intimacy—and all of this because of my stupidity and cowardliness.

After staying in the same position and cursing myself for always ruining the moment, I take a quick peek. The room lights are dimmed when I take a very small peek but I jump and couldn't hold back a gasp when Arhaan speaks.

"The lights are dimmed, you don't have to worry I won't be seeing you pink cheeks now, go and get changed you won't be able to sleep in thode heavy clothes" he causally lays eying me as if he did not just gave his bride an heart attack on their First night.

"Astagfirullah!" I breath out holding my heart, and I am so close to grabbing my purse and inhaling my oxygen.

My eye automatically throws a glare the guy who is calmly seated but raises his eyebrow when he sees me glaring.

Knowing I'll only make myself stupid If I start a debate, I quickly take my left over dignity and myself as well and rush towards the bathroom where atleast I can rest my heart in peace.

Arhaan ارحان

My lips automatically twitches at the adorable human's traits, shaking my head at the way she just ran for her dear life I pick my phone to keep myself busy and not sleep before she comes.

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