Chapter 21 | Innocent

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Arhaan ارحان

Leaning against the car I look at the girl, who is surprisingly (only for me) is my wife now, it's surprising only for me cause it never came across my mind, even not when she said the news of getting engaged with another man.

But Ammi had other plan since day 1 she called her aunty with that sweet voice which can melt anyone.

A soft smile takes over my lips when I see her grinning at the empty dark beach, whose only sunshine is moon now.

The vibration against my thighs makes me roll my eyes again for umpteenth time, Slightly slipping out of the pocket I check the caller, and when I see the same name who is ringing me from past 15 minutes I cut the call to concentrate on someone who took everyone's attention this evening.

"When we go in, like we should walk more inside there you will find chairs made of mud, Abbu and I used to sit there and watch sun rise, it was so much fun!" She squeals showing a side of her which I never thought existed and which is very new to me.

She is not childish, she is just happy.

And somewhere in the corner of my heart I feel proud for being the reason of her happiness.

"Come let's go, I am sure no one will be there" she looks at me with those irresistible eyes but being a cold hearted person I shake my head.

"Please" Damn, what was that? Pleading sounds pleasing to my ears?

Ofcourse it did when Amyra pleads but never it crossed in my mind to nod without missing a beat like I am doing now but I quickly stop my action.

And the way her eyes flashes with excitement for mere second made me curse on myself for denying the first ever request of hers.

Bad husband.

"Please, it's been years I went there" she again tries, and I think of a reason which is much more politer.

"And Inshallah, you will have years to go here whenever you like, but not today" I gently wrap my hand around her wrist to pull her towards me, her other hand holding her lehenga up that I can clearly see the matching leggings she is wearing.

"Why not today?" She does not keep quiet like I expected, Ofcourse I did not expect an obedient wife who nods to everything her heavenly husband says, even if it is staying all night and cooking, as absurd as it sound, it actually is true and I don't know why they exist to work for others and live for others with only one motive of serving, when only one person your slave of is Allah, and we should only obey Him and and His orders but this applies on human who comes in the form of husband who are worshipped for god knows why.

"Not today, because it already 2 am, and I am sure we don't want to disturb the jinn's (ghost) who are having their pleasant time together, hm?" Her eyes widens at my sentence and she quickly scoots closer.

"We have ghosts here?" She gasps whispering so only I could hear, as if scared that the ghost will hear if she speaks loudly.

"Yeah, we have jinn's everywhere" I slowly turn my head towards my left as if indicating with my action there might be a ghost on my left and I had to hold back my loud laughter when she jumps looking at the empty space I am staring at and quickly holds my hand while her fingers dig against my flesh which tells me she is clearly scared and is believing whatever I am saying.

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