The message read: Where 4 art thou sweet Mackie?? We're all @ tha beach w. well...evry1 from skool. Cum join us??

Fat chance. I didn't even bother replying to him, just went on to the next message which was from Liam.

Look, I'm srry 4 watever I did. Plz dont be mad at me. Imy already, Kenz.

Glaring at the screen, I read the last message. It was from an unknown number.

Nerd, ur off the hook. So what that Lance kid took the blame? He chose to nd its not ur fault. Stop ignoring us nd come to the beach. Your bf looks like a sad puppy. Nd Clark says he wants you to come too. He needs someone who's slightly more educated than us to conversate with. I wont take offense to that comment becuz well...I'm awesome.

Hmm...Tempting, Riley but no.

The two missed calls were from Liam and Melody. I pressed one on my galaxy and listened to my one voicemail. It was Melody.

"Hey," she growled. "i don't know if you remember me or not, but I'm your sister and you left me stranded at school! What kind of sick joke is that?"

There was shuffling in her background and I soon heard Kelsey's voice. "In a way, this is good. Just come home with me! We can have a sleepover!" They both screeched into my ear before Melody spoke again.

"You're so lucky, snotbrain." And then the line went dead.

Well that was interesting if nothing else.

I think I sat in the car listening to music for about twenty more minutes until I fell asleep. I know I fell asleep because I woke up to a loud tapping at my window. My first thought was Oh no! Some phsyco killer is at my window and he's gonna break in, rape me, murder me, chop my body into a billion little pieces, and then slowly scatter me all over the ocean! My next thought was: Or maybe he'll kidnap me, rape me, chop my body up into little pieces, and then eat me...raw. So my imagination was a little overactive. Sue me.

"Mack, open up the door and come inside!"

My eyes finally darted up to a very unruffled looking Lance. He looked genuinely upset that I was here. But then again, at least he cared enough to wake me up and invite me inside so as not to leave me out there for some creeper to come rape, murder, and kill me. Stop it imagination!

I opened my car door and got out. Lance hadn't waited for me to get out so I slammed my door and entered after him. He flicked the lights on and I felt myself be momentarily blinded. "Bright light, bright light," I muttered, mimicking Magwai from Gremlins. I caught Lance's mouth turn up a little at this, but he quickly recovered his glare.

He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor near his disease-ridden couch. I shuddered just thinking about the parasites that probably inhabited that smelly thing. Soon his pants were coming off and I found that just too much to handle. I turned my back, covering my eyes.

"What's wrong, Mackenzie? Not enjoying the show?" His voice turned mocking. "Oh wait, I forgot! You prefer to see that douchebag Liam's body, right?" I didn't answer. The question was retorical anyway. "Pathetic."

I heard him walk out of the room before I turned back around. All I could think was what the hell am I doing? "Lance," I called out. He didn't answer. I hadn't expected him to. I walked the few short steps to Lance's room, opened the door, and stepped inside. "Lance," I called out again, annoyed.

He was laying across his bed in his boxers, hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. "Why are you here?" He didn't even turn to look at me.

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