14; Let Her Go

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Chapter 14; Let Her Go

Jyo Kairi

Its been one month since that day, I never knew it would be that fast for us to realize that she was pregnant, for our baby, on our own. I am slowly gaining my feelings for her, she is having more months to live, but she is also slowly getting weak, her hanahaki was taking over and we need to treat it better before it is too late for her.

I sat on the side of the room, where I can see her from outside. She's inside the ICU and her hanahaki is getting worse, I don't know what to even do just to make it slower, I suggested her to have the operation but she did not want to. "You must keep going, Kairi." I told myself.

I grip on my polo as I heard the machine suddenly release its sound, I was rushing to wear the hospital gown and ran inside to check on her.

I pressed the alarm to call for nurses and they arrived in just a second, all of us was working on her. "Whats happening?" It was Ali.

I just looked at him as I shouted, "Clear!"

All of us we're panting, catching our breathe while shaking. We don't know if we could save her, but a sigh of relief got out from me after she already has her pulse again, I went outside the ICU and punched the wall. "Kairi, don't hurt yourself!" It was Ali again.

"How can I stop, how can I stop hurting myself. Knowing she is carrying my child while she is dying, tell me Ali, how can I stop?" I yelled out of my lungs and my tears kept falling.

"Maybe, Kairi. You should let her go—"

I couldn't control myself, I just found out that my fist landed in his face real hard. "How the fuck can you say those things, now that I am slowly loving her back and now that we have a child—"

"Theres no way she could be save in at least more than a month, her petals are turning red. God dammit!" Ali yelled back, "Life isn't fair, I know it. Life isn't fair enough to give us what we wants that fast, life isn't fair enough to save her... and your child. Just accept the fact that you will lost both of them!"

"No way, no, I wouldn't let them die. I am not that irresponsible to just let them die by doing nothing..." I pointed him.

"Kairi, let go. Theres no way we can save them—"

"Hell to it, even if I die first. I wouldn't let them be gone!" I yelled as my tears started to fall, "I know I don't even have feelings for her but It'll grow soon, I will love her sooner and it'll be the way to save her..."

Thats when I heard his footsteps away, I was catching my breathe the moment I fell down on my own knees and cried out loud. I cannot let her go!

After an hour, I changed my clothes and went outside the hospital. Thats when I saw Yugo, I was about to approach him when he spoke. "What do you want?"

"I am here to ask you why did you let Mitsuki love me while you we're at her side, she should've been safe right now." I said and stepped back.

He smirked and sarcastically laughed, "Thats what you know, Kairi. She's been loving you for a long time and I don't know why she didn't get to even love me back, thats the worst thing she have ever done to me—"

"Why didn't you made a way—"

"She loved you on the first place and until now she is still longing for you, I don't know. The world isn't fair, the world is too cruel and favoritism. I wish I was the one she loved and not you, now, she is hurt because you cannot love her back the way I do to her. But don't worry, I am moving on and I know I wouldn't get to have hanahaki disease..." He sound fully smiled. "You're unfair—"

"Its her fault." It was Taisei, "If she didn't forced Kairi's parents to take the hana off his lungs, he should be still in love with her right now. But she was a hard headed girl, now, she is facing the consequences..."

"Thats not her fault, Taisei. She tried to save me—"

"She tried to save the guy who still have ten years to spare his life and that was the biggest mistake she have ever done in her entire life!" Ali yelled. "Now, you know what really she did those times, she made you forget about everything so she can focus on Yugo, but she didn't even get to fall for him—"

"And I envy you for that, Kairi." Yugo said, "She tried to save you, she loved you, she is now suffering because of you. All because of you, she only cares about you!"

Thats when my tears formed on my eyes, "Then how come I had hanahaki disease while all she did was loving me?"

"You we're in love with her best friend that is now six feet under, she was suffering from hanahaki disease since the day you also felt that thing, she threw up petals, she was hiding it to make you feel that you cannot just die in that condition. I never knew she would fall in love with a guy who didn't even do anything but to hurt her without noticing anything..." Ali said.

"So I wasn't even in love with her?" I asked.

"No, you never fall for her. She forced your parents to take the disease off your lungs because she knew that her best friend couldn't love you back because she is a dead corpse lying six feet under." Ali said, "All she care is everything about you and you're too numb to even notice her presence around you..."

"I'm sorry—"

"Your sorry cannot bring her healthy body back, Kairi. She is now empty because of you, she is now restless because of you. She lost everything because of you..." Ali said. "Now, you you should let her go, because thats the least thing you can do to stop the pain she is feeling, do not be selfish."



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