8; Sorry for Loving You

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Chapter 8; Sorry for Loving You

Jyo Kairi

Now Ali, Tsukasa, Hana, Noel, Mitsuki and I are infront a bonfire. We are sitting around when,

"What if we have an open forum?" Ali asked, "The others are already asleep, there is no way they will hear us..."

We all agreed for his suggestion, so that Hana began the game. "You know what, I once hated Mitsuki from being so close to Noel. Because I really like Noel since we we're high school..."

"Alright, you like me huh?" Noel chuckled and gave her a smile. "I like you too..."

"Now you two, leave..." Ali rolled his eyes, he is bitter for sure, seeing his sister flirting with his friend. "Kidding, now you Tsukasa..."

"Hmm, I hated you in the first place, Ali. You we're so annoying and you always do hurt your friends using your deep meaningful words, but after I knew that you we're just helping your friends to be a better person, my thoughts about you got clear, you are the guy everyone should simp for..." Tsukasa chuckled. "But definitely I am not one of them, duh..."

"You really are a loser..." Ali pouted at her. "Anyways even if you like me, I wouldn't think of courting you or just falling inlove with you. I know that Eito owns you and you're not my type..."

"Is this open forum just for two opponents?" I chuckled after hearing them. "Confess something, Ali. Don't you two dare fight here..."

"Alright..." Ali mentally rolled his eyes. "This is a real talk, I am Kairi's wingman. I always help him to get the romantic love he deserves, but seems like this girl is too dumb, numb, idiot, and just a simp to someone who does not even like her." I glared at him after saying those words to her. "She always give Kairi a motive, but ended up not feeling the same was as him..."

"Can you tell who is she?" It was Tsukasa, I just glared at her as she gave me a peace sign.

"My friend's happiness and wellbeing are always my number one priority, even though my own personal experiences with love have been challenging. I know how painful it can be when feelings are unrequited, and it's a difficult process to move on. But I made a selfless promise to my friend to never let history repeat itself. I am determined to help them find joy and fulfillment in their love life, even though I still carry my own emotional baggage from my past experiences." his voice was somber but determined, as he described the struggle of reconciling his own painful memories with his desire to help his friend find happiness. "I know that unrequited love can be devastating, but I have made a promise to myself to never let that happen again. It's not easy, but I am committed to helping my friend find the love they deserve, even if it means I must put aside my own fears and regrets. I am not afraid to fall in love, having the disease is."

"Thats too tragical..." It was Tsukasa, she was crying while pouting at Hana that is now laughing at her. "Am I over acting?"

We all nodded that made her frown, its Mitsuki's turn so I stared at her. "I do like someone, I know it myself. But I kept putting my attention for other guys to loosen my feelings and I did, I know he don't feel the same way because he loves someone else. But I think I just made it worst, I should've confessed in the first place but I don't have any energy to do that. Now, I am just having one percent feeling about him, I just want him to tell me what he feel and I will also do tell mine..." ,her eyes was on the bonfire so that we can see her tears falling.

As I spoke, his voice broke and his eyes welled up with tears. "You all know that I love someone, but she doesn't feel the same way. After knowing this, I can't help but wonder what I'm going to do. Do I confess my feelings to her and risk ruining everything? Or do I hold them in and slowly forget about her? Mitsuki suggested that I have an operation, but I'm not sure if it would work. Will my feelings for her actually disappear, or am I just delaying the inevitable? I feel so lost and alone, and I don't know what to do next." His words were heavy and filled with emotion, and he struggled to keep his voice steady as he spoke.

"Yes, and I want you to forgot about her..." she said.

I kept lowering my head while my tears was un-ending. "They said everything happens for a reason, they said confessing is the only way as long as I showed the true me, but having this disease won't change anything. If I confess and I got rejected, the disease will go worst and much is I will die before six months..."

"Sorry for hearing that, bro..." Noel said and tapped my shoulder. "Just cry it all, we are here to listen."

"She doesn't even know that I love her even though I was obviously showing her everytime we we're together, Its just so painful seeing her being happy with someone else..." I said. "She is too numb to feel my love..."

"Kairi..." It was Ali whispered as I turned my head, I saw Mitsuki looking at me with a surpass. "I think she noticed..."

"I-I'm done..." I lowered my head but kept weeping, I know I look like a kid right now but I can't just prevent this. "Am I the last?"

All of them nodded at me as I stood up and went near a cliff, I stared at the moon and sat down. But in just a second, I heard her. "Kairi, can we talk?"

I just kept my eyes at the moon while still feeling the warm liquids from my eyes. "I'm sorry, Mitsuki..."

"I already knew it..." she said and held my hand, she caressed it as her tears fell too. "But, Kairi. I don't have the same romantic feelings about you..."

"Sorry for loving you..." I pulled my hand and walked away.



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