1; Before Its Too Late

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Chapter 1; Before Its Too Late

Jyo Kairi

"Kairi, look a white butterfly!" she yelled and pointed the window where she saw that pure white butterfly. "It's so beautiful, right?"

"It's indeed beautiful..." I smiled at her, "You're like a butterfly, you don't see how beautiful you are..."

"Are you just saying that because I was bullied a while ago?" she pouted. "Kairi, we're fourteen and I understand everything. You cannot just fool me, like you do since we we're young..."

"I am not fooling you, you really are, Mitsuki" I tucked the strips of her hair behind her ear. "Don't you see it, Mitsuki, you are everything..."

"Thank you, Kairi..." she hugged me, "Thank you for being there whenever I need you, I don't want to lose you, ever."

"You wouldn't, you will never lose me. I will never, never leave you..." I caressed her hair and planted kisses on her head.

That was two years ago, and for two years. Many things have changed, specially her, she is now obsessed on being in jam, she always gets drunk and luckily, I am here to be lean on.

"Kairi, you know what, one shot won't kill you nah!" She yelled in a drunk voice, she really drunk too much. "Go on, drink!"

"Mitsuki..." I called her name in a soft voice, "You should stop this, you are just a teenager, and you shouldn't have done these kind of things..."

"Do not nag me, Kairi!" she yelled, "This is nothing to do with you, and after all, we're just friends, best friends"!

"Let's go, I will take you home..." I held her hand and she just let me. "You're too drunk..."

After taking her home, I also do go home. I took a shower and lay down my bed, staring at the ceiling while my mind is too occupied. She changed a lot; I never knew she would turn like this.

I fell asleep in just a moment, the next day. I prepared for school and picked her up on their home. "Kairi, gomen'ne...", I heard her said while she was putting her seatbelt on the shotgun seat.

"It's fine..." I said, I want to say everything that is on my mind, but I will just make her feel worst—I am not that kind of guy who will hurt anyone by words. "J-Just don't do it again, I was so worried..."

"Sorry, okay, maybe you're right. I should stop this because this isn't right..." she pouted. "Maybe that was the reason why Taisei don't like me..."

"What do you mean Taisei, was that the Team Captain of our school team?" I asked, I know my brows are furrowed right now. But I want to know why. "Do you like him?"

"Actually, yes..." she sound fully smiled. "He is so handsome and yeah good at basketball, who wouldn't like him, bet all the girls at school are admiring him..."

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