7; Hanahaki Disease

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Chapter 7; Hanahaki Disease

Jyo Kairi

"Ali, will she know about my disease?" I asked and kept lowering my head behind him. "I don't know what to do if she finds out..."

"She will know it sooner..." He calmly said while here I am, freaking out. "Just rest at home for today..."

I nodded and jumped in my car while he just stand there, I started the engine while he waved his hand with a smile. Maybe I will just stay calm like him, than to freak out, this will not help after all.

Its a new day, and this time, we are going for three days camp, and I know this is bad, everyone will probably know about my disease. "Lets be seatmates?" ,Ali asked.

I just nodded and followed him inside the bus, he really bought some foods to eat while in travel. He told me to cough outside the window if I need to so all I ever did while travelling is to cough outside. Luckily we are here at the back and there are no vehicles behind us.

The first time I had the Hanahaki Disease, the flower petals was pure white. But this time,I noticed that those white petals was turning peach pink. "Ali, does the flower petals really change it colors?" ,I asked.

"Yeah. From white to sky blue, to dark blue, to purple, to red and lastly to black, don't you dare let it happen because that is the most painful..." He said. "The black petals will come before the last month of the six months disease..."

I nodded and looked outside the window until we have got to our destination, our lecturers told us to build our tents so we did. Ali's and my tent was beside Mitsuki's, for short, we made a wall so that no one can go there at night.

I was arranging my things outside my tent when I felt something on my chest, oh come on. Not now please, but despite of praying to prevent it. I began coughing hard as the students looked at me with a pity on their eyes.

The flower petals are turning sky blue, I wouldn't have ran away if Mitsuki didn't stared at me but she did. I did ran away until I have got the woods but I didn't know she followed me. "Kairi, a- are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah..." I nodded as I saw a girl beside her, it was our classmate Kawashima Tsukasa, she was my seatmate. "Why are you two here?"

"We saw that you coughed flower petals and we knew what does that mean..." Mitsuki said and kneeled infront me. "Are you alright, If you had that one sided love, please confess it now to your girl. Don't let the disease get worse..."

Tsukasa gave me a meaningful stare, she knows who I really like so this calls for a lie. "Can you leave for now, Tsukasa?" ,I asked.

"Yeah, sure..." she smiled and signed me with her hands, I get what she was saying.

If you can't confess for now, tell me to leave and tell her a name of another person.

After she left, Mitsuki cupped my face and asked me again. "Who do you like,Kairi?"

"I-Its... Its Hinata..." I said that made her jaw drop, I know that Hinata is her cousin and she have a cancer so there is no point of confessing to her. "But, Mitsuki. I can't confess to her, there is no point. Nothing will change..."

"That would probably ruin your friendship..." She lowered her head and held my hand, she caressed it softly. "J-Just go on into an operation, let the doctors take the infection out, just forget your feelings about her-"

"No!" I immediately rejected her suggestion. "There is no way I would take this off, I want her to love me the way I do—"

"But she is dying, Kairi!" she looked at my eyes with anger. "And if I lost her, I don't want to lose you too, are you even thinking?!"

Now I made it worst, I know the pain is double for her. Her cousin dying and me having this kind of disease, I would've just said that it was Tsukasa instead of Hinata. I know that Tsukasa will understand me, but Hinata?

Probably not.

"I-I will think of it..." I glanced away but I saw her lend her hand on me even though she was still kneeling down the dirty ground while I was sitting with my black shorts that is now full of dust. "Why?"

"Lets both stand?" she asked and smiled. "I know you will get through this, you're the strongest person I know, Kairi. Now stand up and fight for your life, alright?"

I nodded and took her hand as we both stand, she was about to walk away when I pulled her wrist and hugged her. My tears began to fall the moment I buried my face on her neck. "T-Thank you for everything, Mitsuki..."

"Don't be like that, Kairi. You will not die, okay?" she hugged me back and drew circles on my back to make me calm and she did, but my tears are still shedding.

I know I am afraid of dying.

Thats one of the reason why I am crying.

The second thing is she's here but she doesn't even know.

Third, I lied against her.

Fourth, she didn't even showed that she loves me the way I do.

All I can see on her eyes was pity.

Fifth, knowing that I don't really have a chance.

Whats more painful was, she is hugging me right now, we have our thoughts, but its totally different. I love her, romantically, she loves me with a strong friendship.

Whats more painful than that?

Knowing that she doesn't love you.

And you have the Hanahaki Disease.



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