chapter twenty four.

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I cracked an egg into the warm cooking pan and repeated the same steps with another one. Two arms wrapped around my waist from behind before I felt a familiar pair of lips on my neck. Nothing could make me feel as good as I did right now. What I would give to wake up to this lifestyle everyday...

After three rounds since we woke up, I was in the midst of making Drew and I breakfast since we had worked up quite the appetite. My body was sore, my stomach was rumbling in hunger, and despite feeling uncomfortable internally, I'd do it all again. It was moments like this with Drew that made me so unbelievably happy, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face if I tried. I didn't know what I did to deserve this.

"Over easy." I commented as I smiled to myself proudly, remembering how Drew liked his eggs cooked in the morning.

"Mhm," Drew hummed in my ear as his chin was resting on my shoulder while he watched me flip both of the eggs in the pan. "I could get used to this." He said, and something inside of me  immediately remembered that I was going to be living with the Maddies in Charleston. He wasn't going to get used to this because I was no longer going to live with him like we talked about.

"Babe," I started as I put the spatula down and turned around to him. My back was leaning against the counter and Drew's hands were removed from my waist. The palm of his hands were resting on the edge of the counter on either side of me. "There's something I still need to tell you."

His eyebrows furrowed and I could tell he was confused on what I was going to say. I was hoping he would understand, and maybe once I explained myself to him he wouldn't be mad.

"Since you know who got fired from the show," I began. "That meant the girls had an open room in their place after all. I didn't know where you and I would be at that point, so I made the decision to live with them instead. I didn't want things to be awkward between us by living together after not talking for over a month. But maybe we can spend a couple nights a week at each other's place. Just because we won't live together doesn't mean we won't see each other." I rambled on, praying he wouldn't get upset with me.

His gaze softened on me as he studied my face and I guess I looked nervous for what his reaction would be. A small smile appeared on his lips before he kissed my forehead. "Okay." He nodded. "Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I'll take it. As long as I get to see you everyday, I'm happy."

I smiled, appreciating his answer. "Absolutely." I nodded. "Trust me baby, you're going to see me so much you'll get sick of me by the time filming is over." I giggled.

"Never." He smiled before he leaned down and kissed my lips.

A smile found its way onto my lips as I looked up at him when he pulled away. My love for this man in front of me grew even more in the six weeks we were apart, which I didn't know was possible. I was never going to let us be apart again.

The sizzling from the eggs distracted my thoughts and I immediately turned around to the stove, forgetting that I was in the middle of cooking. I flipped the egg with the spatula and saw that the yolk had cooked all the way through.

"I'm so sorry." I pouted as I looked up at Drew and he started laughing. "Do you want me to make you another one?"

He shook his head before he kissed the top of my head and went over to the refrigerator. "It's perfect, Mal. I'll still eat it." He said as he began to take miscellaneous items out of the fridge.

I turned the stove off and placed the two eggs on a plate. I made bacon and sausage a few minutes prior to the eggs, and they were sitting on a plate next to the stove. I placed a couple pieces of each breakfast meat on the plate before I handed it to Drew.

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