chapter ten.

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!DISCLAIMER! - sexual content in this chapter

Drew and I talked things out and once we understood where we were both coming from, our relationship felt stronger than ever. Though I was already so in love with him, what happened last night made me realize just how much he meant to me and I never wanted to jeopardize losing him again. 

Our lives have been crazy these past couple months, but he still put in every effort to make things seem as normal as possible. He was the busiest between us two, with filming, meetings, late nights and early mornings, every single day he managed to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world in this long distance relationship we were in.

There would be days where he would get home late and he was exhausted from the long day he had, but he would make sure to FaceTime me, even if it was for five minutes, just so he could audibly tell me he loved me, rather than texting it to me.

I reflected back on our relationship throughout the past month and a half and physically being in his arms again made me question what I did to deserve him. He was so special, so amazing in every way. The thought of losing him killed me, and I was never going to let that happen again.

As I laid on top of my boyfriend, my head resting on his chest, I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh, feeling relieved to be with him again. His hand was lightly rubbing my back, nearly putting me to sleep from how soothing it felt.

I loved and missed him so much, and laying with him like this in this moment together made me so unexplainably happy. I wished we could stay like this forever.

"Mal," I heard Drew softly say and I lifted my head, my chin now resting on his chest as I looked up at him.


"Can I be honest?" He asked as he softly tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"Of course." I nodded.

Drew looked at me for a couple seconds, licking his lips in the process and I could tell he was hesitating to tell me something.

"I uh, I told Mads what happened last night."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at what he just told me. I stared at him blankly, trying to process what he said. Why would he tell her? Did she hate me now? Did she tell everyone else and did they all hate me now too?

"You did?" I asked him softly, taken by surprise of that confession. Part of me now felt embarrassed that one of his best friends knew, and she probably told the rest of the friend group. With my luck, they all probably thought I was a cheater now and they all hated me.

I wished he would've listened to me before telling people.

"I did, and I'm so glad I did." He said and I raised my eyebrows at his statement. "She didn't believe it. She didn't believe you would cheat on me. Last night, I was so heart broken and I needed to talk to someone. You were the only person I wanted to talk to, but I couldn't bring myself to see you or speak to you."

My heart hurt at his words, but I could see where he was coming from. For him to walk in to that last night looked much worse than what it was, so he had every right to be angry with me. I hurt him, he was upset and if for whatever reason it were true, his feelings would be even more valid. I just wished he would've let me explain myself from the beginning so we could've avoided all of this.

"So, I called Mads." He continued. "She was the next best person to talk to, especially about something like this. She kept telling me that I needed to talk to you, but I wasn't ready to. It was a lot for me to process and I just needed time to think. Then, she called me this morning to see how I was doing, and when I told her I hadn't talked to you yet, she somehow convinced me to get my ass over here." Drew explained. "She's the reason I came here today, and if she didn't convince me, I never would have and we wouldn't be here right now."

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