chapter eleven.

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I woke up the next morning, slightly confused as to where I was since I didn't immediately recognize my surroundings. My eyes were squinted from the bright sunlight beaming into the room, and I rubbed them to try and wake myself up. I instantly recognized the familiar wall decor and the soft, fleece blanket that was covering the lower half of my body.

It wasn't a dream. I didn't dream about everything that happened yesterday. We really made up. We spent all day in each other's arms. We made love. I woke up in her bed. It all really happened.

I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened yesterday. I remembered the affection, passion, and lust I felt for Mallory. Last night assured me in every way possible that I didn't have to worry about her cheating on me, and she certainly didn't have to worry about the same. We bounced back from that small hiccup in our relationship, and I couldn't be happier.

I closed my eyes, that smile still plastered on my face as I turned my body towards the other side of the bed, my arm reaching next to me to pull my girlfriend closer to me. Instead of my arm wrapping around her body, it landed in the empty space of where she would've been laying. I blinked open my eyes, noticing Mallory wasn't in bed, and I looked around the rest of her room before my eyes landed on her standing in front of her window, her back to me as she watched the cityscape outside.

I quietly got up from her bed, trying not to disturb her as I walked up behind her. I snaked my arms around her waist from behind and she jumped at my presence, looking up at me with a smile on her face.

"Jesus," She lightly laughed. "You just scared the shit out of me."

I couldn't help chuckle at her reaction. "Morning." I smiled before I leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

"Morning." She smiled as we pulled away from the kiss. We looked at each other for a few seconds and I was left in complete awe from how effortlessly beautiful she was. "It looks so nice out." Mallory said as she turned to look out the window again.

I looked out her window as well, noticing people outside along the streets of LA enjoying their Sunday morning. The sun was bright, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, people seemed to be enjoying themselves, I could hear birds chirping outside in the trees. Though it looked no different than any other day, I knew what Mallory meant when she said it looked so nice outside.

I didn't know if it was our energy around each other, both of us feeling overjoyed of finally being together again, but today felt like it was going to be such a good day. I was sure of it.

"Look at our shadow." Mal pointed out to me as she was looking behind us, and I turned my head to see our silhouette on her wall, my shadow nearly towering over hers.

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head while she continued to watch the black portrait of us on her wall. I looked down at her, smiling at how effortlessly stunning she looked.

"Do you have your phone on you?" She asked me as she looked at my hands to see if I was holding my phone.

I shook my head before I walked over to her nightstand and grabbed my phone before handing it to her. I stood in front of her and watched her as she went to the camera app on my phone. She held my phone up, facing the wall with our shadows, and she leaned up to kiss me as I leaned down to kiss her, our lips meeting in the middle.

I heard the camera click and I smiled into the kiss before I pulled away, excited to add another picture to my photo album dedicated to her.

Mallory looked at the picture on my phone, grinning from ear to ear before she handed my phone to me to look at it.

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