chapter nineteen.

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I did it. I actually did it.

I managed to pull off what might have been the greatest scheme of all time. I managed to feed lies to two people, who would then confront each other about it, and their trust would break between each other, ultimately leaving them broken up.

And I was one step closer to that happening.

When I found out about this role on the show, I was determined to get it. There was no denying I had a major crush on the Drew Starkey, especially once season two of OBX was released. As soon as I saw they were looking for a girl to play Rafe's love interest in season three, I knew I was the perfect girl for it.

It wasn't until we started filming that I found out Drew had a girlfriend. I was jealous, and I had to figure out a way to get Drew to be mine. Let's face it, he would look much better with me anyways.

So when I found out Mallory was coming to town, I knew exactly what I was going to do. They hadn't been dating long, about six or seven months from what Drew told me. Their relationship was still new, so I knew it would be easy to ruin their trust with each other.

I started with Mallory, telling her things about Drew that weren't unfortunately true. I could tell by her aura that she was shy, insecure, and a non-confrontational person. She wouldn't have the guts to say something back to me or defend herself. She proved my point when I told her these things and she was almost too stunned to react or say anything back.

It was when I had to confront Drew with lies about Mallory that I was nervous for. Drew would defend her in a heartbeat and I knew he wouldn't take any shit. But I had to seem confident enough as if I were telling him the truth. I had to get my story straight so he wouldn't be able to tell I was lying.

I knew that when Drew went to LA a couple weekends ago to surprise Mallory, he walked in on her with another guy. He thought she was cheating on him and I thought it was over for them. I didn't even have to do anything. Drew was going to come back to Barbados heartbroken and who would he come to? Me. He would need someone to talk to and comfort him and I was going to be that person. He would see how great of a woman I am and he would fall in love with me.

But unfortunately, I found out that Mallory wasn't actually cheating on Drew and she just had her friend over. They were back together in no time and my plan was ruined.

So, I had to come up with a story that would absolutely break Drew's heart. I had to make it seem like Mallory opened up to me about that night, and she was planning on sleeping with the guy she had over before Drew walked in on them. I told him that she felt so guilty for what she did, though she didn't regret it.

None of that was true, and I'm sure Mallory really wasn't cheating on him, but I had to make it seem that way because I needed him to be heart broken. And he was.

Drew wasn't himself on set, which only made me more satisfied. I hated to see him sad like that, but that told me what I said to him worked. He was going to confront Mallory about it, they would fight because they don't trust each other. Then, they'll break up, Drew will be sad for a few days, and he'll come to me. He'll confide in me and realize what he needed was in front of him all along. Me.

Now, when it came time to film in Charleston, I had no idea what would happen. I was hoping Mallory would be too uncomfortable to be on set as a pathetic camera operator that she would quit before she even started. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it though.

Right now, I was only focused on making Drew Starkey fall in love with me. 

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