5. Get you the Moon

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"We were able to save only Jimin. That too he stayed in a coma for five months and when he woke up he behaved like this. Even with some psychological sessions with Jin Hyung he didn't show any signs of recovery" Taehyung ended the flashback with a long sigh. Jungkook who was listening to this was just too stunned to even move. But all these didn't matter when he was boiling with anger. His face was as red as the burning sun. Jungkook banged his fist loudly on the table making everyone startle.

"Why did you let him live until now?" He asked in a deep voice.


"I ASKED WHY DID YOU LET HIM LIVE?" He growled making Jin flinch.

"What do you think we can do? Kill him? I'm not mafia for something. We are doing everything to collect proof for his crime, Jungkook. We didn't even go to work for the past two days searching for Jimin. You think we didn't care?" Jin shouted at Jungkook which made the younger realise the situation. He was so angry that someone treated Jimin like that. And kill a baby? And that to his own baby? Too cruel. But he understood there was no solution other than sending Taemin and his parents to jail. He paced around the living room trying to calm himself. But he just couldn't.

"He even bribed the judge but with Taehyung's power we managed to change the judge. Tomorrow's the first hearing" Namjoon aka the attorney explained the condition.


"Yeah. Taehyung is the witness. I hope everything would go well" Namjoon sighed. Jungkook nodded at that.

"Hyung, I'm sorry for shouting like that at you. But h-he, Jimin is my first love" he said making everyone gasp.

"What?" The three asked in unison with wide eyes.

"Really?" Taehyung asked stunned. Jungkook nodded.

"Yah, that man at the hospital? Is he Jimin?" Jin asked amazed. The youngest one nodded.

"Woah, this is new. Do you still love him?" Namjoon asked Jungkook.

"I-" Jungkook was interrupted by a smooth voice which just entered the living room.

"Jihoonie is hungry, hyung. Where is the milk?" Jimin asked carrying the doll in his hips.

"We ran out of milk, Jimin" Jin said.

"Ah....but he won't stop crying" Jimin pouted.

"Nevermind. I'll go get it. I can't let my sweet baby sleep hungry, can I?" Jimin asked in a baby voice and kissed the doll's cheeks. Jungkook who was looking at these could not explain his sadness. That bastard did this to Jimin. Made him like this.

"I'll go with you" Jungkook said to Jimin.

"No. You are a pervert. Why would I let you?" Jimin said in a monotone.

"It's night. What is someone harms Jihoon?" Jungkook asked making Jimin think a bit.

"I can protect him"

"But what if there are many?" Jungkook added with an innocent face.

"Ah..yeah. What do I do then? No...you come with me" Jimin said going to the front door. Jungkook grinned happily.

"Cleaver brat" he heard Jin say and followed Jimin outside. Jungkook along with Jimin and his doll walked down the silent streets.

"I'm Jungkook" the doctor said glanncing at Jimin. Jimin just glared at him again.

"I'm Kim Jimi- Park Jimin" Jimin said and heard Jungkook mumble something inaudible.

"What's that?" The shorter asked.

"Kim Jimin sounds awful" Jungkook said and Jimin again glared at him.

"Ah...what? Why are you always glaring at me? Can't you show me your beautiful smile?" Jungkook asked suddenly making Jimin's cheeks turn red.

"W-we arrived" Jimin said pointing at the store. Jungkook smiled at his stutter and they walked inside the store. Jimin took out a cart and made the doll sit on the baby seat and began to shop for some groceries too.

"What does my baby Jihoonie want?" Jimin singsonged looking at the doll and giggling to himself. He picked up milk from the refrigerator and some groceries. Jungkook was just pushing the cart while Jimin decided what to buy.

"Come here, come here. I have a great drink for babies" a lady selling some drinks called them.

"If you give this to your baby daily, he will become as muscular as this young man here when he grows up" the lady said and pointed at Jungkook. Jimin looked at him and gulped at Jungkook's muscles. He quickly averted his gaze to the lady.

"Really? My baby will grow muscular? He asked with eager eyes.

"Yes. Trust me" the older lady said and winked at Jimin and they both laughed at nothing making Jungkook stare at them weirdly.

"I'll take two then," Jimin said and happily placed the drinks in his cart. Jungkook looked at him with soft eyes now. The doctor's heart was heavy thinking about Jimin. When Jimin would know that his son had died, he didn't know what the older would do. Jungkook hoped that day should never come but it was not possible. He knew that well.

"Jimin, you love Jihoon so much?" He asked the shorter who was picking some baby wipes. Jimin turned to him and blinked.

"What do you mean? Every parent loves their baby more than anything. What makes me different?" He asked Jungkook back and proceed to the counter. The doctor hummed at his response. Jimin paid with his best friend's card and the duo with the doll left the store. Jungkook carried the bag while Jimin carried the doll in his arms. Jimin kept talking to the doll all the way to the home which made Jungkook smile. He loved Jimin's voice and he liked Jimin speaking.

"Let's sit here for a bit. I'm tired" Jungkook said stopping near a small park although he wasn't tired. He just wanted to spend some more time with Jimin. Jimin thought about it for a minute and then hummed and he waddled to a bench. Jungkook chuckled at him and sat beside him, placing the bag on the ground. The moon was almost full. They both sighed looking at it simultaneously making both of them gasp.

"You like the moon too?" Jungkook asked the smaller one who had the doll on his lap. Jimin just nodded and had his eyes focussed on the moon.

"It is my Jihoonie. Like a light in the dark night. It reminds me of this cutie" Jimin said and hugged the doll tighter to his chest. Jungkook was just staring at Jimin the whole time. Jungkook saw Jimin rubbing his hands together to keep him warm. The doctor immediately took off his coat and gave it to Jimin.

"What about you? Aren't you cold?" The elder asked to which Jungkook shook his head. Jimin hummed and wrapped the coat around the doll making Jungkook sigh. Jungkook just wanted Jimin to be warm. He moved closer to Jimin and back hugged him suddenly making him startle.

"What are you doing, pervert?" Jimin asked trying to push Jungkook away with red and hot cheeks. But the younger didn't budge.

"Sshh....I'm cold. This is warm" he said wrapping his hands tightly around the man who could only wriggle in Jungkook's muscular and strong arms. So he soon gave up struggling.


Jimin hummed looking at the moon in the sky. The taller was also looking at the same.

"I'll get you the moon"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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