Chapter 26//Meeting Josh

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"I'll put on the popcorn!" Calum grabbed the bag from Michael and ran down the stairs.

I plugged my phone in and went into Michael's room. It was a man cave. A massive TV, a Xbox, a huge couch and a king sized bed.
I plopped onto the bed, taking off my shoes. I was followed by Ashton, Daniel, Michael and Luke all of them taking off their shoes and lying down on the bed. Calum walked in the room, all eyes on him, with two big bowls of popcorn.

"What else are we supposed to do with our popcorn machine." He shrugged smiling at his success with the popcorn machine.

It was a present from Liz when we first moved in here. She said we'd save a fortune on popcorn, instead of buying boxes and boxes of microwave popcorn. Also it was better for the environment.
We were all lined up on the bed. We brought our pillows from our bedroom into Michael's. I was in between Calum and Ashton. The bed was so big all six of us fit on it. The TV was facing the bed.

"So what movie do you guys want to watch?" Michael asked going over to his pile of DVD's.

"I don't mind." Daniel stretched his arms yawning.

"Just put on a movie we don't want this to happen again like the last time." Luke glared at Michael.

"Oh yeah." Michael's brain had a flash back of the last time we were deciding on a movie.

We were all in the sitting room. We were also really bored, so we decided to watch a movie. We all wanted to watch a different movie. I wanted to watch 'Peppa Pig', Michael wanted to watch Frozen for the millionth time, Luke wanted to watch 'Star Wars', Daniel wanted to watch 'Fast and Furious 4' but everyone said no because it was old. Calum wanted to watch 'Insidious' but Luke objected saying it would be too scary for me and Ashton wanted to watch 'Skyfall'. So we all had different movies, we wanted to watch so we flipped a coin. Then we all realised that wouldn't work. We all got in a big fight. Which ended up with, the whole sitting room being messed up even the cushions and blankets, and Michael with a sore thumb and wanting pizza.
We ended up watching 'Peppa pig' as I am the youngest. They actually enjoyed it. After the movie they actually apologised to each other.

"Mkay then lets just watch 'The Lorax'." Michael Hurriedly placed the DVD in the DVD player.
Not wanting a sore thumb again.

They all fell asleep on Michael's bed, lying on top of each other. Even Bailey was sleeping beside Calum.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Ugh it's raining today, Summer my chicken hole." Michael complained opening the curtains.

"So what are we going to do today?" Ashton asked frowning at the weather outside.

"Unpack duh." Calum stated the obvious putting his shirt back on.

"I can introduce you guys to Josh and my family." Daniel suggested since they haven't met yet.

"Oooh Josh." Luke teased Lucy.

"He's actually starting in your school in the new term." Daniel winked at me.

"Lucy's not interested in yucky boys!" Michael hugged Lucy "yet." He slyly said.

"Alrighty then I'll see if they're available." Daniel skipped out the front door.

"Ooh Lucy Josh is coming! Go upstairs and get dressed." Michael rushed me up the stairs and into my room.

I got dressed, brushed my hair and ran down the stairs.

"Mum, dad and Joshy this is Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke." Daniel introduced his family all of them standing in the hall.

"And their daughter Lucy." Daniel took my hand.

"Hi I'm Liz! It's very nice to finally meet the family next door, Daniel is constantly talking about you guys." Daniels mom beamed at us. She is very nice. She has medium brown hair with hazel eyes. She's probably a head smaller then Daniel.

"It's nice to meet you too." Ashton smiles shaking her hand the rest nodding in agreement and shaking her hand.

"Hello Lucy nice to meet you." She shook my hand

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled.

"I'm Brian and this is Josh our son." Daniels dad introduced himself and his son.

Josh was about the same size as me. Dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. His face looked squishy, just like mine.

"I was just saying dad that Josh is starting in the same school as Lucy next term." Daniel broke the silence.

"Oh is that so? Josh doesn't know anyone from his class except Lucy." Brian Smiled at me.

"I'm sure Lucy will look after Josh." Luke grinned at Lucy.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Calum asked being polite.

"No, no thanks we have dinner ready. But Josh will want to stay if that's okay?" Liz asked.

"Of course he can stay!" Michael ruffled his hair.

"Great! We'll leave you guys alone then." Brian smiled.

"It was a pleasure finally meeting you guys!" Liz waved.

"Likewise!" Ashton beamed.

And they were gone.

"Show Josh around the house Lucy, he'll be spending lots of time here from now on." Luke smiled pushing Lucy towards Josh.

"Okay, we'll start upstairs." I smiled at Josh bringing him upstairs.

"This is my room." I motioned leading him to the room at the end of the hall.

"Cool pictures!" Josh beamed at the pictures on my wall.

"Thanks I took them when we were on tour." I smiled.

"That's awesome, my brother was telling me about you guys on tour. Were you allowed on stage?" He asked interested in the tour.

"Yeah they'd bring me up on stage sometimes."

"It must of been cool to be In front of all those people."

"It was such a rush you'd feel really warm standing up there."

I showed him all of our bedrooms upstairs and the kitchen. Finally the sitting room.

"This sitting room is amazing!" He exclaimed.

"We have a cabinet here full of extra blankets and cushions, and a cupboard full of snacks and drinks." I walked over to the cupboards showing him our stash. "Do you want a can of coke?" I asked him taking out a can from the fridge for myself.

"Yes please." He replied politely.

"Here you go." I threw him a can of coke, he caught it.

Both of us collapsed on the couch, and I turned on the TV.

"Your TV is huge!" He exclaimed.

"That's what she said." I giggled.

He laughed at my joke.
I think I'm going to like having Josh around.


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