Chapter 35

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I was practically running trying to catch up with Ma

for someone that doesn't wear heels often she sure was getting somewhere

"wait Ma" I said

"leave me alone" she said

"just slow down and let's talk" I said

"can I have the keys please" she said to the man that parks cars

"how you gonna take my car we came together remember" I said

" take your shi then I'll rather walk then get in car with your punk ass" she said throwing the keys at my head

I knew she was mad but the words she was saying was kinda hurting me

"it's to late for you to be walking and it's raining just get in the car" I said

"naw I'll call Layla to come get me" she said but when she called her she didn't answer

"just get in" I said opening the front door

she walked up to the car and opened the back door getting in

I started to drive towards Ma's house trying to figure out a way to start up the conversation

"just listen" I said

" I don't wanna hear shi out of your mouth you lucky I even got in the car so don't try to turn down no unknown street that's not to my house because I'll slice your throat" she said

"Ma I didn't-" I started but Ma reached over and turned up the radio

we were finally at Ma house and I was determined to make her listen to me

"thanks for the free ride now stay out my life" she said getting out the car

I hurried out the car

"Ma just listen please" I said

"what Justin what could you possibly say that will make me feel any less stupid then I already feel" she said 

"Ma'kayla I swear I didn't know " I said

"Justin I'm literally getting soaked in this rain leave me alone" she said walking away

"why I'm keeping it real with you" I said pulling her arm

"no the fuck your not your a pussy ass nigga" she said

"your mad I can see that which is why your not listening to me so just tell me how you feel" I said

"you wanna know how I feel I fucking hate you with every bone in my body" she said

"why you hate me" I said

"because your full of shit" she said walking up the stairs to her house going inside

but I saw that she stopped dropping her stuff making me walk up there to see what's going on

there was blood everywhere and Layla was on the floor in a pool of it


I couldn't even breathe seeing my best friend lying there in blood

I thought about Ave I took my knife out the the safety pack walking around the house

"Ave" I said looking for her

I found a note that said

"your friend there put up a good fight but as you can see she didn't win I told you we were watching you now we have your precious daughter good luck finding her before it's too late"

I dropped the knife and the letter as tears ran down my face drawing Justin's attention away from layy

"Ma what's wrong" he said putting his hands on my face but the words couldn't form

"Ma talk to me" he said shaking me

"they took my daughter,  they killed my best friend and then took my fucking daughter" I said

"Ma I will find her" he said

I snatched away from him

"this is your fucking fault the dinner with all my opps wasn't enough" I said

"Ma I had nothing to do with this you have to believe me" he said

"believe you?" I said pushing him

"Fuck you I hate you, you just had to let me fall in love with you" I said

"Ma'kayla stop" he said 

"and i was literally broken and you just had to put me together for fucking what" I said yelling still pushing him

"Ma I think we need to focus on what's in front of us right now" he said pointing to Layla

"my best friend is fucking dead because of you, I see why you work for my father y'all are just alike y'all main goal is to fuck over me" I said walking over to Layla checking her pulse

"she's not dead" I said taking out my phone to call my uncle

"Ma your getting blood all over you" he said

" I don't care La needs me" I said rocking her

"Ma listen to me I will find Ave" he said pulling me up

"déjame en paz, no te quiero aquí, ya hiciste suficiente daño, literalmente quiero matarte a ti y a tu familia" I said in Spanish

"what" he said

"leave" I yelled crying

"Ma'Kayla listen to me right now I will on everything I love I am promising you that I will find Ave I just need you to trust me" he said making me look at him in the eyes

and I wanted to believe him so bad

"I can't trust you" I said shaking

"Ma'kayla I need you to trust me right now at this moment" he said

"Justin" I said

"fine don't trust me but trust this" he said holding out his pinky

"I haven't broken a pinky promise yet and I'm not gonna start if you feel like nothing was real between us believe this is" he said

I couldn't bring myself to do it

"Ma'kayla please" he said

I wrapped my pinky around his

"Justin please hurry" I said

"I promise" he said kissing me deeply before leaving out the door

and right then and there I could do nothing but pray

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