Chapter 28

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I had just got back home from Layla's house and I was about to let Justin have it

"Yoo bro" I said coming in the kitchen to Justin cooking

"who you talking to" he said

"what are you doing" I said

"well there's food in the pot and it's over a hot stove so what it look like I'm doing" he said

"don't do that" I said

"you the one that came in here with that extra shi" he said fixing our plates

"whatever but you knew Isaiah was cheating on Layla" I asked eating my food

"huh" he said

"bro don't play with me" I said

"who the hell is your bro cause it anit me" he said

"Justin did you know or what" I said

"yes I did know anything else" he said with an attitude

" and you didn't say anything" I said

"if Layla was cheating would you tell" he said

I sat in silence

"exactly" he said

we ate our food not saying anything, everytime I tried to start a conversation Justin would just act like he didn't hear me or give a dry response

he was now washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen so I just decided to take a shower and get ready for bed

"alright I'm finna  head out" Justin said coming into the room

"why what did you do" I asked

" because I got my own house with a perfectly fine bed" he said

I turned off the TV

"what's the problem" I said sitting up

"bye Ma" he said walking out my room

that's when i knew something was wrong because he didn't give no kiss or hug goodbye

"what happen to no running" I said walking behind him

"I'll see you later" he said

"Justin you promised" I said

"Ma" he said

"you promised you wouldn't run when things get hard" I said

"you are the problem" he said

"what I do" I said

"I took the time out of my busy day to cook a meal for you, I cleaned the house, and made sure your mom took Ave for the night.
Not once did you say thank you but instead you came home wanting to fucking argue about a relationship that's not yours and accuse me of doing shi" he said

I walked up to him and put my arms around his lower body

"what are you doing" he said

" just hug me back and listen" I said and he did

"I am very sorry for not acknowledging that I really do appreciate that you cooked and cleaned for me I'm just use to my ex only doing nice things when he did something wrong" I said still holding him

"I keep telling you I'm not him" he said

"I know and I'm sorry forgive me" I said looking up at him

"your lucky you fine" he said

"that's the only reason" I said letting go putting my hands on my hips

"nah I love you to" he said kissing me

I just smiled thinking about how he kept using that love word.


I was really annoyed about how this hoe that disrespected me was still somewhere breathing and Cameron was fucking tip toeing around the situation like he was scared or sum

that bitch was as small as toothpick to me so I didn't understand what  all the fuss was about but I was tired of waiting so I had to call up my last option

"What Kesha" my brother said 

" umm I need a favor" I said

"you always need some damn money" he said

"I don't want no money I just need you to handle something for me" I said

"what" he said

"I need this one bitch dead" I said

"what she do" he asked

"she said she was going to kill me and now she's stalking me I'm actually scared" I said lying

"man Ion know" he said

"please I don't ask for much and your my brother" I said

"I'll see what I can do" he said

"ok" I said then hung up

me and my brother wasn't that close because technically we were only half related his dad slept with my mom

and up untill we were the age of 20 me and my brother didn't know about each other and at that point we felt like we was grown and we had already lived 20 years with out knowing each other

but I could say that he is there for me when it really counts. 

"Why the fuck ion got no food already made" I heard Cameron say

"because" I said

"Kesha stop fucking playing with me all you do is sit around this house and spend my money the least you could do is fed me damn" he yelled

"whatever cam" I said

"and you wonder why I fuck around on you now" he said walking out the door

most people would say that I was just dumb but they would never understand the relationship that me and cam have

I mean he was real shi down for me since highschool yeah we was that couple in highschool the couple everyone wanted to be

And we stayed that couple for a long time until cam's mom passed away due to cancer and that there change cam for the worst

Which is why I can't switch up on him because he's just going through a rough patch in his life I have to stay down for him

I have a whole lot of love for this man and I have put so much of myself into this relationship I can't see myself without em

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