Chapter 1

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"So do you and Cameron mess around or what hoe?
Kesha asked getting all up in my face.

"Look fam, that's between you and your nigga if you got questions go ask him I anit got nothing to do with it." I said nonchalantly looking up at Cameron.

" Come on bae this is stupid", he said trying to pull Kesha away and out my face.

"Naw this bitch Betta tell me what the hell is up before she get fucked up!" Kesha yelled pulling away from Cameron and getting back into my face.

At this point I was irritated because this bald head chicken was doing the most. "Watch it with the bitch word ion take that so lightly" I said with a lil attitude in my voice.

" You is a bitch if you think my man gonna leave me for your raggedy ass, I hate bitches like you that try and fuck up a happy home", Kasha said talking in my face with her hands.

"Ight hoe let me clear some shi up for you real quick sense you so fuckin delusional. I anit want your nigga never have, never will he anit got shi going for himself only thing that he's good for is giving a lil head and he can barely do that shi right which is why I never let him try that wack shi again." I said with a straight face not caring who heard.

Cameron, Kesha, and the small crowd that formed around us had their mouth dropped open.

"Well I don't ev-" Kesha started to talk but I cut her off by turning around and opening my car door.

" And the next time you use the word bitch with me make sure you say I'm that bitch." I said getting in my car driving off.

*Later that day*
"So you telling me you anit whoop her behind" my mom said over the phone. I just got done telling her what happen between ole dude, his chick and me.

No momma ion got the time to be fighting nobody over a nigga tha-"

"watch you mouth chile" my mom said. "Sorry, I don't have time to fight over a boy that I don't even want plus you already know what I love to say"

"I'm to pretty to be fighting" we both said at the same time. I laughed then there was a bang on my front door.

" umm momma I'ma call you later love you ok"

I hung up before she could even respond. I got off my bed grabbing my knife out the closet walking towards the door

"who is it" I asked but not getting a response. I carefully grabbed on the knob of the door turning it and then snatched it open with my knife facing the person on the other side of the door.

Layla was in complete shock "Layla bro what are you doing" I stepped aside letting her in.

" I came to check up on my best friend who I didn't know was going to try and kill me in the process" Layla said dramatically.

"La now you know I'm an actual killer who has opps why are you banging on my door like that" I asked

"because I know you be death sometimes and can't hear shi" Layla said.

"Ok I'm sorry now wassup" I asked

" can you go put your weapon away you know ion like that stuff" Layla said looking at my knife .

I rolled my eyes and went to go put it away. When I came back out to the living room I heard La in my kitchen I already knew she was in there finding something to snack on.

"So other then to eat up my food what you here for?" I asked sitting at the island.

"I came to check up on my bestie of course" Layla said smiling a little to hard.

"What do you want" I said knowing she want something

"why I gotta want something I can't just come see my main friend" she said fake hurt.

"first I'm your only friend and second I know you want something so just spit it out" I said

"alright so I want you to come chill with me at this party tomorrow" she said

" and by chill you mean come because you want to set me up with the guy that you met homeboy right" I said

"pleaseeeee" she asked

"no I'm not going to keep letting you set me up with these niggas like it's a tenders app I'm good" I said

" but he's really cute for you and I think y'all would be perfect for each other and if you love me than you'll go so please" she said all in one breath.

"La I really don't want to" I said walking out the kitchen

"Ma let's be for real you want that love story were it makes you feel like you have butterflies and all gushy inside but, your scared because of your pass and you can't keep letting that shi keep you from good things in life." She said following me.

"Ughhh fine I'll go but that don't mean I'm just gonna be all in" I said

"YAYYY!" she said jumping up on me.

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