Chapter 10

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"Justin you leaving without saying goodbye since when we do that" This one stripper name Candy said

"yeah I'm out I got shi to do in the morning" I said walking to the car

"Nigga you turned gay or sum" Isaiah said once we was in the car

"what nigga , the fuck you talkin bout" I said looking at him stupid

"that hoe was obviously tryin to fuck with you" he said

"oh candy, she try to fuck with everyone" I said driving

"man you was straight dissing every bitch that was in that club" he said

"I just wasn't feeling it" I said

"bro don't tell me you hung up on that bitch Ma" he said laughing

"don't let her hear you call her that" I said

"nigga for real you stuck on her, she didn't even text yo ass back" he said

"bro anit nobody worried about her" I said getting annoyed

"nigga you salty huh" he said laughing

"the fuck I gotta be salty fo" I said

"cause one of the baddest bitches out there anit fucking with you" he said laughing like he said the best joke in the world

"bro I can get her if I really wanted to" I said

"put money on it then" he said

"what" I said

"I bet you a stack that you won't hit that" he said

"nigga go on somewhere with that" I said waving him off

"don't be a pussy now,  you so confident then bet on that shi" he said 

I looked at him thinking about it

"ight bet and I want my shi in all ones " I said

"ight nigga" he said

"Babe can you get the door please" I asked

"you already in the kitchen just open it" he said from the room

"that's why you a fuck nigga" I said

"what" he said

"nothing" I said opening the door to Jay falling on the floor

"Jay what the fuck is your problem" I said then realizing he was really hurt

"CAMERON" I yelled closing the door

"what the fuck do you wa-"  he started to say but then saw Jay

"Kesha go get my phone" he said helping Jay up

I went to go get his phone

"who you want me to call" I asked

" go to my contacts and call the person saved under Chris" he said trying to keep Jay awake

"who the hell is that" I asked

"Kesha can you just do what I say for once" he said

"ok" I said doing what I was told

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