"bitch you can't come up in here talking crazy and shooting these niggas like they won't kill your ass" kesha said

"call me a bitch again and you'll be the next one to be killed up in this piece" Ma said

and I'm not gonna lie seeing her behave all ruthless like this was turning me on

"Ma " I said

"Justin shut the fuck up cause your just as much of a fuck nigga then he is" she said pointing at Jay

this girl seemed to know everyone I was starting to think she was a hoe on the low

" you need to explain" I said

"Stop playing dumb you already know" she said

"Just explain" I said

"Fine I'll play along well we're already established that this is my quote crazy ex then you have Ms. Hoe over here who had her broke ass boyfriend send this fuck nigga to my house to kill me, and as you can see he didn't succeed but the scare on his face did heal nicely" she said nonchalantly

" the hell" I said

"The acting like you didn't just set me up is getting real old" she said

"Ma I swear" I said grabbing her hand again

"I no longer give a fuck about what comes outcha mouth" she said pulling away from me

"No wonder you anit text me back about killer her for me you already had shi planned for this wack ass bitch" Kesha said

Ma turned towards Kesha and punched her in the mouth and then grab a fork of the table stabbing her in the leg

"What the fuck" Kesha yelled in pain

"I done told you about the bitch word stop fucking playing with me" she said

"Told yall she don't like that word " Jay said

"You wanna get punch in your shi too" Ma said

"Nope I'ma just shut up" he said

"Justin" Kesha said

"Ma you gotta-" I started


"Justin you really just full of shi" I said

"ok I think that's enough" my father said

"my mouth I use it when I want to" I said

"ma just be quiet you don't know boss" Isaiah says

" Oh all y'all scared of this piece of shit , well boss if I don't stop talking what's going to happen huh?" I said

"don't test me" he said

"why what you gonna do put your hands on me like you did mom and us when we was little" I said and everyone wore a shock look

"I'm not that same man I was back then" he said

" the look on everyone faces tell me that they don't even know what kind of man you was" I said

"Ma'Kayla" he said

"No don't call me that you do not have the privilege to call me anything other then Ma" I yelled

"Ma please that was the past I'ma better man now" he said

"and you begging wow that's crazy ion give a fuck tho" I said

"I've changed" he said

"oh really, am I suppose to clap my hands for you and do a lil dance" I said

"no I just want you to give me a chance to show you that I've changed" he said

"you changed after I've already done grown up there for I don't give a damn" I said

"but Ma'kayla" he started

"no I don't give a fuck, to them you've changed but to me you will always be the same father who abused my mother, pimped her out, tried to rape me, and got my brother killed you will always be that same pussy ass nigga" I said

"ma what happened with Mike-"he started

but then I picked up a knife of the table throwing it at the wall past him

"Do not talk about my brother as if you gave a fuck about him" I yelled

his guards started to walk up on me but I then grap another knife throwing it at one of the guard throat

"unless you want the rest of these mother fuckers dead I advise you to tell them to back the fuck up" I said

"It might be a good idea to take all Sharp objects off the table" Isaiah said

"I think we all just need to relax" he said

"fuck you" I yelled

"I've been looking for you and your moms" he said

"for what so that you could ruin the little bit of happiness we do got in our life" I said

"I was fucked up in the head back then I was hurting" he said

"And killing my fucking twin brother was the way to handle that pain. Taking your gun and shooting him in the head helped you" I yelled

"I'm sorry" he said

"oh your sorry now" I said chuckling

"I've been sorry for awhile" he said

" I'm already fucked up you did that and now your sorry fuck your sorry I wish you were fucking dead"I said

then his other guard stared to walk towards me which is understandable I technically just threatened their bosses life twice

as he tried reaching for my arm I quickly grab the knife from under my dress cutting his arm and then stabbing him in the throat

"that's what living a life you cause got me so like I said fuck your sorry" I said

Then pulled out the fork I put in Kesha

"We learned not to provoke the shark today didn't we" I said to her In my baby voice

"Your fucking insane" she said

"I know blame my father" I said leaving the table

"Ma" my father said

"Oh you might wanna go ahead and call your clean up crew because I stab to kill and them niggas gone" I said leaving out the building

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