'Nice work!' Jinnie exclaimed as they flew towards the gated entrance. 'Look, the gates are opening! Taehyung's thumbprint must have activated an automated system! It thinks he's leaving!'

'Let's make sure that he doesn't,' Tae simpered as he hit a button on the interior roof. 'Hold on guys.'

Jimin couldn't decide if Tae was bonkers or an absolute genius as he pressed his foot on the gas and raced towards their one and only escape route. He'd reversed the mechanism, the gates were no longer opening, but retracting in on themselves.

It was going to be a bit of a squeeze, but it would buy them some time if they made it through.

If they made it through...

A firework of sparks decorated the tarmac when the wing mirrors scraped the framework, but to Jimin's relief, they shot through the tight gap by the skin of their teeth and out onto the hillside road.

'Fuck, that was close,' Jimin swallowed, watching the entrance grind to a close behind them as their tyres kicked up a blizzard of dirt.

Whirling back around, Jimin blinked at Tae, awed by his clenched jaw and terrifyingly focused expression as the speedometer surpassed one-fifty kph.

In addition to that, his arm was weeping blood after being grazed by a bullet, and yet, he didn't falter as he took control of the wheel and drove at a highly dangerous speed.

And he thought Yunhee was the petrol head.

'Nice work, mate,' Jimin complimented with a taut smile, 'but we're not out of the woods yet.'

'Was that a pun?' Suga chortled nervously as the bare forest became a blur of mottled black and brown either side of the track.

'I think we're good. No one is following,' Jinnie said as he peeked through the rear window. 'Well done, Team Park! Or is it Team Kim? I prefer Team Park, for the record. Even though I'm a Kim myself, the name sorta sets my teeth on edge-'

'Jinnie,' Suga sighed as Jimin's muscles started to tense up, 'button it-'

'It's fine,' Jimin said nippily, despite an all too familiar taste fermenting like rotten fruit beneath his rolling tongue.

It wasn't because of his chirpy friend whose MO was to babble on in the face of extreme danger, though.

They'd marginally escaped Taehyung's clutches, but the further Tae drove them away from the sweeping hills of Pyeongchang-dong, the greater the distance between him and Yunhee became when - only moments ago - all that stood between them was six inches of galvanised steel.

Yards turned into miles, those miles stretching out across the land until they crossed the district border and entered the populated suburbs of a parallel Seoul.

It may as well have been the suburbs of his own planet.

Jimin hunkered down in his seat, trying to contain the pent up friction that had been bubbling in his chest for days, but he could no longer contain it. The stark reality of what had just happened sucker-punched him in the gut and tore his conscience in two.

'Jimin...' Tae warned, his eyes skirting between the oncoming traffic and the brewing mob boss. 'Take it easy.'

It was like his old friend knew what was coming. Why wouldn't he? Tae had been subject to his wrath induced outbursts countless times during their younger days, that torrent of anger spewing out of him like magma from a volcano when things didn't go his way.

'She's going to be okay-'

'Are you crazy!' Jimin pummelled the dashboard, his knuckles splitting open from the ferocity of the blow despite the cushioned leather. 'The fuck she is!'

When Worlds Collide | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now