Chapter 16

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Yunhee flopped over on the bed with a narky whine, her vest top and shorts twisting as she burrowed her face into the mattress

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Yunhee flopped over on the bed with a narky whine, her vest top and shorts twisting as she burrowed her face into the mattress.

She was never one to fall asleep the moment her head hit the pillow, but thirty minutes of staring at the ceiling and the bedchamber feeling as empty as a politician's promise, she figured she wouldn't be drifting off anytime soon.

Not with Changwook's meeting weighing heavily on her mind.

Taehyung knew what he was doing when he sent that email; mediating with a drug cartel was a demoralising affair for the likes of Park Jimin.

Ten years the mob boss had run his empire while trying to keep his hands clean. He was no saint, but his heart was filled with integrity and principle, which made it all the harder to see him coerced into coordinating with unscrupulous characters such as Ji Changwook.

There was also the fermenting tension radiating around the mansion after leaving Suga and Tae to talk out their differences.

It wasn't uncommon for the two men to butt heads; she'd seen their strong wills clash many times over the past year. But as tempting as it was to let Suga beat ten shades of shit out of her arrogant ex, Yunhee was conscious that a blood-covered home would only add fuel to Jimin's fire when he returned.

Perhaps she shouldn't have left them alone.

Smacking her hands on the mattress, Yunhee jolted up and blew a strand of wiry hair from her eyes.

A cup of hot cocoa would help her sleep. Right after she inspected the living room's antique furniture for damage.

Chilly air assaulted her limbs when she climbed out of bed, and so she slipped on her favourite piece of clothing. Instantly, the magic hoodie quelled the goosebumps on her arms, but as she padded along the landing, she also wished for it to quell the relentless murmurs of The Dark Energy.

'I thought I told you to fuck off,' Yunhee muttered to the invisible force as she walked down the stairs.

Strange, the household was significantly quiet considering she'd left Tae and Suga at loggerheads. There wasn't a peep coming from the living room, nor a speck of dust out of place when she peeked inside.

Not having a clue where they'd disappeared to, Yunhee withdrew into the lobby to make her way to the kitchen, but stopped dead when a subdued groan echoed across the foyer.

Head whipping around, she searched the darkened hall until her gaze picked up on a glowing light over in the east wing.

'What the heck are they doing?' Yunhee uttered as she marched across the cold tiles.

As she neared the source of illumination, however, her legs began to slow.

Deep, muffled grunts came from inside the home cinema, furious protests mingled with jagged breath inhaled through the nose.

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