I stuck out my tongue and licked up his chest to which he rolled himself away from me with a disheveled groan. "Hyunjin."

He extended each 'n' sound of my name, rushing to wipe of the wet streak across his chest. I laughed at him and his sat up, his expression still sleepy as his eyes were half closed and he held a pout on his lips.

"You're so mean." He pouted even more and I smirked.

"Am I? I'm sorry." I poked his and his swatted at my hand before stretching himself out like a cat.

"What time is it?" He asked covering his mouth from a yawn.

"Almost 10 in the morning." I said checking the time on my phone and a text message caught my eye.

Do you have any plans today?
Received at 8:42 am

What the hell was he doing up so early? But I smiled anyway and Jeongin peered over my shoulder. I sent a text back that I was currently with Jeongin.

"Speaking of, Mom is already making breakfast. Would you mind staying for it?"

"We had breakfast plans anyway." He shrugged and then flashed me his sunshine bright smile. "You should invite Felix."

"Yea?" I asked him, a brow raised subconsciously and he giggled a little with a nod.

"I mean yea. Kind of want to see what it is about him that has you so hooked." He teased and I felt my face heat up. It was nice to have someone that understood the divide between two different people... and wasn't upset about it.

I quickly sent an invite text to Felix. It only took him two minutes to reply, he had agreed.

"Im going to grab coffee. Want some?" I asked standing up and putting on my shirt. He slipped into his own shirt and followed me out of the bedroom, giving me the answer to my question.

We walked into the kitchen, Mom was preoccupied with her computer and flipping pancakes to notice us pass by her.

"Morning Mom!" I said loudly and it startled her.

"Jesus! Hyunjin! Don't do that." She turned to face me with a fake glare and tried to swat me with the spatula but missed. Her eyes landed on Jeongin, she hesitated with words before smiling. "And who might you be?"

He respectfully bowed to her. "Jeongin, ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old. It's lovely to meet you Jeongin."

"Oh. Umm, before I forget. I may have invited another friend over for breakfast..." I said rubbing the back in my neck and reaching for the coffee pot. She slowly turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"You're telling me I have to make more pancakes?" She said with a joking tone.

This... this was why I loved her. She never got upset about anything really. You could get into legal trouble and she would just smack you upside the head and tell you to be smarter about it next time. So I honestly don't know why I was nervous to tell her about having yet another person in her home, not that she minded that either. She loved it when her home was full of people. She held holiday parties for a reason.

"Yea." I smiled as I filled two mugs. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, Heeseung was awake. He came into view rubbing his eyes and yawning, instantly walking up to hug his mom and wish her a good morning. He rested his head on my shoulder for a second and then snatched my coffee mug from me before realizing Jeongin was standing right in front of him.

"Well, hello." He said in an amusing tone.

"Hello." Jeongin smiled brightly and if I didn't know Heeseung was a hundred percent straight and already in a relationship, I would've thought he had fallen in love right there with the blue haired boy.

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