Chapter 1: Introduction

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Yanfei the top legal expert in Liyue, she works with laws and is seen as a professional and is quite famous in Liyue for it.

Normally you can see her walking around Liyue harbor helping the people with prices, rules, and more.

Though that's not the only thing that she does. Sometimes she goes around on her own adventures trying to find clues, to different mysteries just like a detective.

The only thing is that she can't tell anyone about it. Well unless she is allowed to.

But on the other hand, Hu Tao the 77th director of the wangsheng funeral parlor is rather infamous.

Because her work specializes in coffins and the dead people try to avoid her as much as possible.

But for others, others find her work style annoying. Which is why she looks up to Yanfei just a tiny bit, to maybe just maybe become as good as her.

Hu Tao would go around to random people in Liyue and scare them. Then she would talk about coffins and discounts trying to lock them in if they come out she tries it on the next person, and so on.

But that doesn't mean that everyone in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is infamous, like Zhongli for example.

As his work is located in the Funeral Parlor just like Hu Tao, he is still admired in Liyue for his deep knowledge of the history of Rex lapis.

____End of introduction_______

As Yanfei was casually helping around in the Harbor she noticed a letter given to her by a bird.

From Madame Ping to Yanfei
There has been quite the mystery
going on recently and I would be
very grateful if you'd come up to
where I usually am, for more

Thank you from Madame ping

As she opened the letter she immediately rushed up to Madame Ping. She had been quite bored today and was a little excited to see what it was gonna be about.

When she finally arrived at the place she was told to go to Madame ping started talking.

"So, Today I brought you here because of a strange hole that has been created near the chasm." She started.

"But the chasm? Shouldn't that be Miss Yelan's job?" Yanfei asked.

"Well if you would have paid attention to the stuff that had happened recently then maybe you would know that Miss Yelan is visiting Fontaine." Madame Ping looked at her with an old grandma look.

"This is so embarrassing." Yanfei thought while smiling awkwardly.

"Now continuing with what I said earlier, There have been many from the Millelith but none of them returned with answers, there was a small amount that had claimed to hear a sound that was like a ghost." Madame Ping continued while looking at the Glaze lilies.

"Ghosts? Well not that I don't want this mission and all but isn't that more suited for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlors Director Hu Tao?" Yanfei asked which made Madame ping laugh.

"Well if there were to be anything she'd need to fight then I'm afraid she probably wouldn't come out alive. And since you can be a bit of a detective at times I thought that it'd be best to bring you with her." She chuckled.

"What? Uhh, I'm not sure how that will work but honestly, it doesn't sound too bad. So I'll go to the Chasm by tomorrow with Hu Tao?" She asked trying to finish the conversation knowing that it will take longer to finish the one she would have to have with Hu Tao.

"Not too bad at all." She once again chuckled waving a small goodbye to Yanfei who made her leave.

She was on her way to the Wangsheng funeral parlor when she met a familiar figure on the way, it was none other than the secretary of the Qixing Ganyu herself.

"Hello Miss Ganyu, what is it that brings you here!" Yanfei asked because of the sole fact that Ganyu was usually not outside.

"Touching grass is something I wanna try out. But that isn't the reason i'm going outside, there have been many reports about a green-haired bard breakdancing and ruining the Opera that was some days ago. I was quite interested in the matter." Ganyu explained, chuckling a bit in the end.

"Oh! Good luck then." Yanfei waved goodbye, when she suddenly realized that she forgot to ask about Hu Tao. But she didn't want to bother Ganyu any further so she let it go.

By the time she was outside Hu Tao was already dealing with another customer. And since Yanfei still wanted to learn more about Hu Tao she stayed away and tried to eavesdrop just a bit.

"No! I don't want a coffin even if it's a discount! Learn how to advertise and sell better!" The male customer screamed.

"Hehe, are you sure? A family member or a friend doesn't last forever, so you can always pre-order another coffin, 25% discount for family and friends." Hu Tao laughed not giving up on advertising her coffins.

This was when Yanfei decided that It would be a good timing to come in and try to make something out of the situation. So the pink-haired half-Adeptus walked in with both her hands on her hips.

"May I ask what had just happened here." She asked trying to save the man who didn't want to become a customer.

"This crazy woman is trying, no FORCING me to buy her coffins!" The man claimed with a displeased look on his big face.

Yanfei looked over to Hu Tao with a disappointed look. Telling her to leave the customer alone.

"Oh well, another day you'll come back with open arms." Hu Tao gave up, she didn't want Yanfei to punish her business in some way, not that she cared but it was just a feeling of a scary aura around her, she just wanted the best for her business, or so she thought.

"Hu Tao do you mind if we have a short chat."

Okay, I made half of this chapter in kindergarten because there was some shooting or whatever i don't remember.

Question of the day:
If you could trade one five star for another who would it be?
Rules- Limited for Limited
Standard for Standard.

Now goodbye and have a great day (Excluding shiyoruu ) Byeee (again).

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