Chapter 58: Jonathan Kent

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A/N: For those who skipped the Ivy's Revenge arc, the story so far is that Ivy drugged Red Hood and Nightwing to attack and attempt to kill Shadow while locked in a room. There was a huge fight, everyone got injured a lot. That is all they remember.

A/N 2: Half of this is light hearted filler, because it's needed after the last story. Enjoy!

It's been about two months since the attack caused by Ivy, and we're all finally healed up from it. We went back to patrols again a couple of weeks ago, and I've been secretly spending my free time trying to hunt down Ivy for making me hurt my brothers and for making the mindlessly fight me. Plotting my revenge against her has been taking up a lot of my free time while I've been recovering.

"Ana!" I hear Bruce roar my name angrily as soon I get off my bike in the cave one evening. We were all just summoned to the cave by him, though he wouldn't say why. 

"Yeah?" I ask curiously, wondering why Bruce looks livid. 

Bruce doesn't even answer before he grabs me by my shirt collar and slams me down into the cave floor painfully. Reflexes takes over, and I kick him off of me and spin away from him, staring at him incredulously as Jason immediately comes to my defense.

"What the fuck, old man?" Jason growls out, pointing a gun at Bruce's head as he stands back up and walks to the computer angrily.

"I told you not to get revenge, Ana." Bruce growls out dangerously, and I feel my breath shorten. How did he figure out my plans? I didn't even write them down.

"What are you talking about?" I ask lowly, not giving anything away.

"Poison Ivy was just shot dead by your arrow, Nightingale." He sneers at me, pulling up the picture on the computer of Ivy dead with an arrow in the head, and sure enough, one of my painted arrows is there in her skull.

"Holy shit." I breathe out in genuine shock, my eyes wide. "Bruce, that wasn't me." I say in complete honesty.

"You expect me to believe that you didn't get revenge on Ivy?" He says darkly, not believing me at all.

"Bruce... I was plotting revenge. I admit that." I say sincerely, not ashamed at all in my actions. Provided, probably not the best thing to say if his glare is anything to go by, but Jason still has his gun trained on his head, so for the moment Bruce isn't moving. "I plot a lot of revenges. But that wasn't it." I point at the screen. "I didn't do that."

"You've lied to me before Ana, and you expect me to believe you were going to let Ivy walk free after she hurt your brothers? Especially with your past?" He growls out, throwing my own private history in my face that I'm now regretting telling him. I feel my own anger spike and then quickly level to an eerie calm. I have to remember who I'm talking to.

"Like I said, I did plot a revenge." I say coldly. "It was going to be great too, she was going to die by at the hands of a plant." I say casually without remorse. "That." I point to the computer screen again. "That's too simple, too easy. I was going to make her suffer at the hands of what she loves most, just like she did to me." I say darkly, and stare him in the eyes so he can see I'm being honest. "I did not do that."

"Then who did?" He growled out at me menacingly. "Jason?" He rounded on my brother.

"I don't shoot a fucking arrow." Jason immediately scoffs in offense, then waves his gun around to prove his next point. "I was going to pump her so full of lead her corpse was going to kill off all plant life when I buried it in the woods. I was going to make her be the poison to her own plants." Jason answers honestly, his tone matching my lack of remorse.

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