Chapter 9: Meeting the Clown

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I thought it would take a lot longer before we had a run in with the Joker and Harley, but that was proven wrong during the end of our first month as sidekicks. When the Bat signal lit up that early November night, we went to the Commissioner and got some disturbing news.

"Joker and Harley are at the Pier." Jim says gravely, and I can see Batman tense up instantly. "There's a festival going on there right now, so there's a lot of civilians he's holding hostage. I've got men evacuating everyone they can right now, but he and his goons have taken too many. He's already killed at least sixteen on the last confirmed count, and that was just in his first ten minutes there." He adds to us urgently.

"He's baiting me." Batman growls out angrily, and immediately jumps to leave, us following closely behind him.

I'm worried for Jason, but I don't think this is when he gets taken, he's only been Robin a few weeks now. Plus I don't remember anything about him being taken from the Pier with Harley, that doesn't sound right. All the same, I'm going to stay by his side and make sure he's safe.

"When did Joker escape Arkham?" I ask Batman as we all get on our vehicles and head towards the Pier. 

"Last year, but he left town after that. I tracked him all over the globe, but he managed to fall off my radar a few months ago. Now he's back here in Gotham, so whatever he's spent his time planning for, it's ready." Batman says angrily.

"He doesn't seem the type to have plans. More like random chaos." I observe, remembering the movies from my first life. Heath Ledger's line of 'Do I look like a man with a plan?' still echoed in my memories.

"He's insane, he's psychotic, but he's also a genius." Batman replies darkly. "He does make plans, as long as he can focus on them. Depending on how entertained he is by the plan, the longer his attention will focus on it." He replies darkly. "And judging with how long he's been gone, he's been planning this one for some time. But he usually uses me as his catalyst, so for now, it's unknown what his objective is."

"What's our plan to counter then?" Robin asks curiously.

"You both will help get the hostages away, and you will not engage him. He is too dangerous, and so is Harley." He orders out firmly. "I'll find out what he wants."

"You got it, Batman!" Robin says cheerily. He's been feeling so guilty since disobeying Bruce on the Two-Face mission, he's been trying extra hard to follow orders. 

I don't answer Batman though, honestly if the opportunity arises, I'm all for taking down the clown. Permanently. But I do have to remember where I am and who I'm with. As I'm riding my bike, I glance down at the near invisible bat symbol on my chest, and remember the promise I made Bruce, that I would raise myself to his standards.

We arrive at the Pier within twenty minutes of speeding through the town. Most of the civilians have been evacuated, and only about two dozen are left inside as hostages. Those that are left are all tied up and being terrorized by the goons and Harley, with Joker occasionally spraying them with the gas in his flower lapel, which causes them to die almost instantly with a smile. It must be his Joker Gas. Batman warns me to set the filter on my mask to 'off', to block the inflow of air since it might not filter the Joker gas. I can still breathe ok without it open, but it's smart to have the backup in case I don't have time to hold my breath. 

It's my first time seeing the clown and his queen in person, but I've seen pictures of him in the papers. Joker's wearing his signature purple suit, has vibrant sickly green hair, parchment white painted skin, and a sickeningly red mouth stretched wide over yellow teeth. Harley is wearing her traditional full body jester costume, with the ear horn things and everything. She's switching between a joke gun and her giant mallet, while Joker is using his flower and a regular gun to shoot people.

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