Ch 8. Home

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WARNING:Mentions of abuse,blood

Heizou POV:
I woke up, to be honest I felt like I didn't sleep at all. I had bangs under my eyes and felt luke I can't even stand up.

"He's awake! Heizou are you ok!?"

I heard someone speak. It was Sara and she had dark aura all around her.

"H-how long was I asleep?"

"Well it's 3 in the afternoon, but your injuries are all heald so you can go." Kokomi was behind her.

"You're lucky traveler explained what happened.If not I would kill you now." Sara said but I ignored her.

I stood up and rsn towards the entrance. Camila was there looking like she was waiting for someone. She turned to me.

"Glad you're awake.I have a ride waiting for us. Let's go..."

"Wait! Let me and this dog go with you..." I heard Kazuha and saw him with Mona. Of course! Mana had good smell and Kazuhas hearing is just something else...

But what if something happened to Mona? Y/n would be really mad. But they were persistant and I just wanted to gothere as soon as possible.

On the docks I saw my dad chatting with Beidou. They looked at us and escorted us to few waveriders since they were faster than her big ship.

We were in Liyue after 10-15 minutes. Now we have to find our way to Mondstadt.

All this time my heart was beating so much that it hurt. I was afraid of even thinking we're late. Just because I slept so long.
Y/n POV:
I feell... cold...What was it that happened again?

Ugh my whole body hurts...

Where am I? It's so... dark...

'Open you'r eyes Y/n.. OPEN THEM!'

There's agentle voice in my head... Who is it from? Open my eyes...?

I slowly opend my eyes. I was in dark room... Unfortunately I knew this place way too much...

My bedroom. I could just escape like last time right?

I tried to stand up from the flor, but something heavy was on my leg.


Then I realised another thing... Almodt all my clothes were gone as well as my Vision! I was in my panties and bra. No wonder I was cold.

I observed room a bit longer... No one else seemed to be there.

I would usualy panic but I just felt numb... They took my Vision. What if they destroyed it? I feel powerless without it... Is this why father doesn't want us to have Visions? I don't understand...

Then someone opened the door. I couldn't belive my eyes... It was one of my younger simbings, Tina. She was splitting image of my father.

She even had his cold gaze.
"Tina...? Is that really you?"

"How dare you."

"W-what?" Her voice was so cold.

"My life.. was perfect! I had friends! A loving family! Everything I wanted on silver platter! Xou just had to be here and let us all live our lives! But you ran away!"

I just stared at her. What happened to her? She used to be so sweet to everyone. Sometimes when I wasn't alowed to dinner she would secertely get me food. This was whole different person.

"And since you ran away I had to be in your place since I was the oldest! I.Lost.Everything! And I was naive to think that spoiling you with food and my attention would keep you here!"

"Y-you... knew..? All this time? You knew our parents were assasins!? And you acepted that!?" Feeling of betrayal and anger were only things I started to feel.

"Well of course!But why would I care as long as I got whatever I wanted? But now I have NOTHING! And since you're back... I'll show you how it felt like!"

Warning:incoming abuse

She pulled out whip and started to walk closer. I couldn't move at all and she started whippping me over my whole body.(I translated words 'whip' and 'whipping' I hope they're ok).

She was striking so hard my bruizes opened and I was bleading. I started to scream, hands covering my head and face.

End of abuse

"You've became such a crybaby... Father was right, visions really do make you weak."

She then left room with a smirk. I stayed there, on the floor. I was bleeding from almost everypart of my body.

Yet all I could think about was Heizou. Did David kill him? All because of me...
I don't know how much time passed when I heard door opening again, my eyes were closed but I knew it was my 'father'.

"I won't kill you. You showed me you still have fighting skills. But I kow new ways to keep you here."

"Where's my Vision?"

"You won't need it."

"Where's my Vision?"

"In secret basement, along with that detective friend of yours."

I felt shiver down my spine. 'Heizou was here!? In secret basement? Even I was never there! You go there if family decides you have to die..'

"Let him go!"

He kicked me in my stomach again and I roled away.

"You're in no position to negotiate! I am the one making the rules! I haven't fone anything to him yet. And it will stay like that if you listen to my every order."

I stared at his eyes. Fear started to form in me again.

"You'll stay in this house and continue to train as an assassin. And then you'll get married to Carlos Fraude, and enter his house."

''Fraude..?' Is that Camilas brother? Did she really betray us..?'

"Wedding is in two days. You'll meet him at dinner tonight as well as his sister. I expect only best behavior from you.That means That you clean this blood, you have 3 hours."

He threw key of chains infron me and left the room I could hear him locking the door.

As much as I wanted to I couldn't run away again... Not if Heizou was here locked somewhere.

I slowly stood up and opened my bathroom. Washed off blood and cleaned my wounds.

They weren't so visible. I guess Tina was holding back because she knew what was happening tonight.

I fell on the floor and started crying. I have to do this... I can't cry. When I get married Heizou will be free, and I'll have to let him go for his own safety.

Word count:1067

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