Ch 6. Call you WHAT!?

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"Y/n~~ wake up~!" I groaned, just from his voice I knew he had one of those cheeky grins on his face.

" Mmhh, shut up! 10 mone minutes.."

"If you take 10 more minutes you'll be late for work..."

"I can afford that, Sara won't say anything.." It was so good Sara and you were on good terms, you could just say you weren't feeling well, considering you lived with Heizou.. Sara never suspected you were lying.

"But you lost our little bet you know~. You have to do whatever I say now. So first get up."

I opened my eyes and first thing I saw was him on top of me.

"GAAHHH!" I yelled and punched him In the face wich caused him to fall on the floor.

Ups.. that was probably too harsh.

"Damn.. I didn't even have chance to do anything yet.. was this in advance?!" Heizou said getting up

"Well next time don't be near me when I wake up!" I said irritated

"Anyways~~ About our bet last night!"

I sughted.. let's get this over with..

"*sigh* Yeah, yeah... what do you want."

"I want you to call me ...... Heizou when we'emre alone. And-"


"Oh? Well if last night wasn't a problem calling me 'darling' why should this be a problem?"


"Anyways I wasn't done yet. When we're in public I want you to call me ...... ......"


"Sorry I don't think I heard my name Y/n. How do you all me again?"

This dude, he's gonna be the death of you..

"M-m-master Heizou-" you said looking down away from him trying to hide you face.

"Hehe~ that's right. And what do you call me infront od miss Sara?"

" I swear I'm gonna kill you."

"No that's wrong answer, tell me right answer~"

" H-heizou-s..sempai"

You wanted Reiden Shogun to just appear and hit you with her musuno hitatachi right here and there to save you from this humiliating moment.

" That's right! See I knew you know the answer! Now get up and eat breakfast or else we're really gonna be late."

Heizou said than left you with your blushing face looking at the floor.

When I got dressed up I went to get breakfast, Heizou was already sitting there,I was still angry and flustered so I didn't even spare a glance to him.

I ate my breakfast ignoring all his blabbering and went to put on my shoes and headed to the door when he suddenly grabbed me.

" I told you to call me that because I wanted to have some fun. However.. I'm not habing fun if you're ignoring me. So stop that or these two weeks will be a nightmare to you and a daydream to me. And I don't think you want that" His voice was low and I could feel he was serious, and a bit angry. I held back my tears because I remembered my dad, I didn't want Heizou to get even more annoyed so I just said " Y-yes, I'm sorry, Master Heizou". Damn I hated this name for him.

"Haha ok then~ Let's go!" Back zo his mood swings again.. That's a good sign.

When we arrived at the police station Heizou had to go talk to those guys we captured last night. I thankfully had to stay behind since Sara wanted to talk to me in person.

"Did Shikanoin do something?"

"W-what!?" I didn't expect that question.

"You didn't really look on your best game when you arrived and since we're talking about Shikanoin.. he's probably the reason why." Damn she was sharp.

"Oh don't worry! It's jzst thus bet I lost... I'll be fine."

"Huh? What bet?"

I told Sara story about how we captured those three Heizou was questioning right now.

"DAMN THAT LITTLE RASCAL I'LL PERSONALLY KILL HIM!" Wow she was too passionate about killing him, so much that it scared you, because for a moment you DID sence that killing aura commimg from her.

" No no please, it's ok. It's my fauld anyways for taking on that stupid bet..."

"Ugh... well if you say so.. but if he does or tries to do anything that I won't like you'll have his head on silver platter..."

Sometimes I feared Sara more that my own father, wich was kind of funny. She never really hurt me but I was more scared of her, maybe because I only heard of what she was capable...

I went to Heizou after I was done with Sara, and saw he was almost done with what he was doing.

"Oh hey there Y/n! I'm almost done here. Wanna join?"

"Uh- sure.." I sat on chair beside him and looked at the man Heizou was questioning. But something fellt really off. His head was turned to Heizou but it looked like he was looking at you.

"Tell me again.. Why did you do graffiti on those houses?"

"Look we already told you, we did it for fun ok? I promise we'll stop." He said a hint of anger in his voice.

"Try answering again." I said, this man was trained killer, I could pick up that much, but he was a lot harder to read than normal people.

"I don't think I need to tell YOU anything, last ting I heard is that HE'S the one whose questions matter." Wow that was rude. You interrogated a lot of people but you never felt so bad...

"Well she is MY partner and her questions are as valid as mine. So if you say anithing bad to her again I'll personally take care of you with MY own two hands!" Heizou was really pissed this time. This was 3rd time you were ever scared of him even thow he was defending you.

"H-heizou-senpai.. please calm down.." you wispered to him hoping it would do something.

And thankfully it did.

"As I was saying answer my question again. " His voice was calm now. But the guy looked terrified of him.

Re repeated what he said first time. Heizou knew something was wrong and he almost started yelling but I hopped in cinversation again.

"Please sir, stol making this hard on yourself and just tell me for who you're working." Your woice was cold and gaze you send even colder.

"I-I'm sorry, but you can't cathc us." Saying that he opened arm with some little figurine inside and break it open. Wich caused bug smoke to fill the room.

'Smoke bomb!' I thought as I covered my mought and nose. I tried to see what happened to the man bu I felt hard punch into my stomach and then my waist
Exactly where I had permanent bruises from my father.

I fell on floor and fell unconcious.

I woke up in my bed in Heizous house. I tried to get up put somebody stopped me, that wasn't Heizous touch, I looked at the person, It was Sara!?

I panicked:" Where's Heizou!"

"Easy now... don't worry he's in the kitchen, he woke up a while ago..."

The said male then walked in the room.

"Y/N! Are you ok!?" He ran to you. And looked at Sara. "It's fine I can take it from here."

Sara stood up and excused herself. She probably had some important work.

"W-what happened?" I looked at Heizou , my eyes still blurry.

"Don't worry. Just rest a little bit more ok?" He said with a smile, but I saw tru it.. deciding it would be best to just listen to him... for now.

Wow, 2 chapters in 1 day🤩, today was full of inspirations in my head so enjoy!

✅🍃Truth and lies🍃(Heizou x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum