Ch 2. Inazuma

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Ok I know I said one chapter a week... BUT I'll write as long as I have ideas. So yeah
Enjoy, and I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first langueage.

Y/n POV:
I woke up when I heard what seemed to be young womans voice.

"Alright everyone, we're almost in Inazuma!"

'Inazuma!?' I mean.. that wasn't my original plan... but it is fahrer than Lyue...

I stayed hidden until I managed to open a box that seemed more empty, maybe the'll pick me up thinking that something is inside if the box is heavy(?).

I entered and soon enough i felt someone picked me, I heard voices saying something about how these boxes contained nochtolucious jade and some glaze lilys and they needed to be send to Inazuma city.

Boxes started moving again and it felt as if we were on some sort of viachle(do you spell it like that???)

"Let me see your documents for going to inazuma." Some voice said. And soon we started moving again.I peacked thru a little hole and saw I was in the back of viachle, that meant I was able to escape unnoticabely wich I did.

I followed the road and tracks of viachle I was on so I wouldn't get lost. While walking I was absorving my vision. "How am I supposed to use you?" I asked as if it was capable of talking. I guess I'll just need to figure it out latter...

I ran into a group of samurai-looking people. I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for direction or something. But as soon as I approached them they started attacking me. Who the hell starts attacking a little 13 yo girl!?. However I was trained to protect myself and kill and that's exactly what I did. They were all dead in few seconds, but something felt differend, my knife felt different in my hand. Then I saw it sparking a little particles of electro energy. "Hah, so that's how I use it... I would prefer obly my fists but ok, maybe next time.."

Althow I was ok, one of them did scrach me with that firework thingy he did, but it didn't look too bad so I ignored it.

Soon I came across something that seemed like village and I guess right behind it was Inazuma city. I saw two kids playing outside. 'Maybe... I could approach them... Am I really capable of making friends?'  I thought about it... well this could be new beginning...

I came closer to them
"Uh.. hi-" " O my gosh what hapoened to your hand!?" Girl yelled in panic which schoked me, I did't think it was that bad...

"Well uh.. I kind of tripped and fell, it really isn't a big deal.."

" Well then nice to meet you! I'm Shikanoin Heizou, and this is Sango! Wanna play with us?" Boy with green eyes said.

"Y-yeah sure... I-I'm Y/n, nice to meet you!"

And with that out weird,but funny friendship started.

"By the way, you don't look like you're from around here, did you come here with boat?" Heizou asked.

"I-well..." I didn't want to lie to them but I also soulden't tell them the truth "I ran away.. my family is strictly against visions and well.." I pulled out my bright electro vision.

"Wow! No was! You've got a vision!? That's so cool!!" Heizou yelled enthuziastically.

" Wait... if you ran away, doesn't that mean you don't have a place to stay? Also how did you get out of Ritou, usualy everyone who comes needs to be registrated.." Sango asked a bit suspitious, I can't blame her tho..

" I snuck on the ship to stay the night, I didn't think I would end up here,but I don't regret it.."I said, it felt amazing to finaly talk to someone your age.

"Well if you don't have a place to stay.. you can stay with me, I'm sure my family wouldn't mind!" She said.

"Yeah! And we can all play detectives!" Heizou said happily.

"O-ok.. thanks so much!!" I felt really happy. I don't remember when was the last time I had so much fun, and I knew it will only get better.
-- little timeskip---

(Few months latter)

I'm now living with sango and her family, they're all so nice to me. Heizou, Sango and me became close friends and we alwais hang out.

But I still did't forget about my family.. wounds on my stomach from that night on dinner are still visible, and I'm doing my best to hide them. But good thing is, I've never heard a word about the incident that I ran away, that means they're still trying to act like normal family and onmy reported my missing in Mondstadt. Or worse scenario, one of them is looking for me, but I also heard that it's almost impossible to get to Inazuma, so they probbably won't be looking for me so soon...

"HELLO~ Earth to Y/n~! You ok?" My thoughts were interrupted by Heizou.. "Oh yeah sorry! Just daydreaming I guess haha.."
"Well if you say so... anyways, we're looking for sango now since I found you, wanna help me to tell me where she hid?"

"What's the point of hide and seek if I tell you. Plus I shoukd get going I didn't get to finish my homework bc you came for us to go and hang out.." I said as a started leaving. Sangos parents were kind enough to enroll me into school Sango and Heizou attendet.

"Wahh!? Noo don't leave me!"he whined, "Din't worry I'll come back once I'm done, stop being a baby and find Sango now~"I said as I waved him good bye.

I hope you liked this chapter now to sort some uncertanties.

- you went to Beidous ship

- you are really good at putting yourself in other peoples places so you know how your parents are thinking

- Heizou is super clingy towards Sango and you, but mostly towards you

- Heizou doesn't fully belive in your story but he can't prove you wrong so he didn't say anything

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