21. An Awkward Moment

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You and your Pokémon partner are walking towards the Single Line when a Chandelure swaying at the entrance to a corridor catches your attention.

Both of you are confident that she must be Ingo's. She looks like a little girl waiting for her parents, swinging from one foot to the other.

"Hello, lovely lady.", you greet her. Your Pokémon lets out a friendly cry.

She opens her eyes wide and emits fizzing sounds, visibly happy to see you. She moves in your direction, waving her arms as the purple flames shine bright.

"I'm glad to see you!", you smile. "How's Mister Ingo?"

Your cheeks turn pink as you excitedly look around for him.

However, Chandelure swishes.

"Uh? Are you saying you're bored?"

"Chandeeeel....", she whines.

"Are you alone?"

You certainly did not expect that! Ingo and Chandelure are normally inseparable. So close that sometimes you wish you were a Pokémon, too...

She shakes her body and points at a general direction.

"Ah! Do you mean that he is busy right now and asked you to stay put?"

She nods.

"I see! Shall we wait for him together?"

The Pokémon is pleased by your proposal and enthusiastically floats behind you to push you forward.

"Do you want me to go with you? Are you sure it's fine?"

She peeps.

You pass the corridor and walk straight until reaching the Subway station staff lavatory.

You gasp.

"C-Chandelure, we shouldn't be here!", you stammer, ready to turn around and go back to the main hall.

"Humph!", the Pokémon frowns, as if saying, "But you said we'd stay together!"

"I don't want Mister Ingo to get the wrong idea!"

"Chan?", she asks with curiosity.

"I don't want him to think I'm stalking him all the way to the restroom!"

Chandelure and your friend stare at each other with incomprehension, visibly not understanding the meaning of the word stalking.

"Come on, you two! Let's go before--"

You realise that a tap was open, as the sound of running water abruptly stops.

The latch becomes unlocked with a click and the door opens. 

Ingo speaks up before exiting:

"Thank you for your patience, my dear friend. Forgive me for keeping you w--"

As soon as your eyes meet, Ingo's face turns redder than a Tamato berry, and his mouth drops in shock.

"(N-N-NAME)!?", he shouts and gesticulates frantically, visibly caught off guard. His reaction also startles all of you. He attempts to regain his composure, "I-I mean, g-good day, Passenger (Name)!"

"H-hello! I-is everything all right?"

You, too, feel awkward.

"Yes, thank you! How are you-- OH! D-do you need, perhaps...? Are you... Were you... D-did you want to use the restroom? I sincerely apologise that you had to wait!"

"N-not at all! A-actually, I came across Chandelure a few minutes ago overthere, and she led me here..."

"Luuure!", she proudly sings.

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