28. Victory in the Heart

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"I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss, but I lost against you today. I feel good, though. Because it was verrrry fun! You want to win, and I don't want to lose. That is real. When we clash in battles, I feel very excited! Good job, (Name)! This is the first time you beat me in Double Battle!", he congratulates you and applauds happily.

You put your hands in the air while your Pokémon partners do a little victory dance.

"We won! We won!", you exclaim with glee. "That was a-ma-zing! You, Eelektross and Escavalier really kept me on my toes to the bitter end!"

"Yup, I am satisfied! You became much stronger since our last battle! You are strong! The strength you have, your trust in your Pokémon, their never-ending support! It was the most fun battle ever! Please come back soon so we can have even greater battles!"

He extends his hand to you, which you gladly accept to shake.

"Of course I will! Besides, I ride on the Battle Subway everyday!"

"Are you suggesting we have a daily battle?"

"We can't schedule a Pokémon battle every single day, Emmet!"

"What do you mean? That is my job!"

"But with us?", you point at your friends.

"Why not?"

"Are you serious?"

"I am Emmet, I am always serious. If a battle isn't serious, it isn't fun! Moreover, if we fight again, we won't know what to expect. That is why my team and I are waiting for you to come back! We had a good time!"

His smile is genuine.

"Us too! I can't wait for the next time! Now that I'm more confident, maybe we'll win again!"

"(Name), I've got a brilliant idea! You should challenge Ingo on the Single Line!"

You are taken aback by his suggestion.

"I'm... I'm no match to the Subway Boss Ingo...", you reply with downcast eyes.

"It is true that he is verrrry strong. He hardly ever loses in Pokémon battles. Even though I also hold the title of Subway Boss, I really look up to him. We're each other's closest rival!"

To this day, you have been battling against Emmet in Double Battles or the two Subway Bosses in Multi Battles, but you have never tried your luck in a Single Battle.

It is your first time beating Emmet on his own. However, you have been unable to win against the twins as Ingo always manages to knock out your last Pokémon.

"There's no way..."

"But if you could defeat me, it means you're perfectly capable of winning against my brother!"

"I-I can't!"


"But you just said he was very strong!"

"I did. But I never said he was invicible."

"I can't even defeat you in Multi Battle..."

"Multi and Single Battles require completely different strategies. Because you can't beat us in Multi Battle does not mean you can't outwit Ingo and his team in a Single Battle!"

"It's just that... the though of it doesn't feel the same at all!"

"What thought?"

A light blush creeps up your cheeks.

You do not want to make a bigger fool of yourself in front of him! You already feel bad enough when you exit the Multi Line after a resounding defeat...

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