16. Kindred Spirits

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"It's been a week already. I wonder when we'll meet again?", you tell the Pokémon accompanying you today, who gazes at you quizzically in response.

You have been thinking about the Subway Boss Ingo ever since your encounter on that same line. 

Although the thought of him has been giving you an extra motivation to ride the subway every day to work, that newfound fascination for a perfect stranger is still troubling you.

And the more the days pass, the more restless you grow.

Waiting for a sign.

You arrive at the platform, where a depot agent blows his whistle to announce the arrival of the next train.

You sigh.

"It won't be today, either."

You and your partner enter one of the wagons and sit down on the bench. 

As the vehicle starts running, you wistfully look out the window at the station disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Your Pokémon starts clowning around to make you laugh.

"Ha ha ha! It's super effective!", you compliment and pet it. Your praise makes your friend happy, too.

It's going to be okay, you tell yourself.

The melancholy will most surely fade away if I don't see him any more.

I mean, attraction is a flickery thing, isn't it?

Because it's definitely, obviously, purely, simply, trite plain attraction, isn't it?

Why am I even asking my own self for confirmation...

I feel so stupid, having a crush on someone I don't even know...

An electronic ding-dong signal sounds in the car, followed by the pre-recorded voice of the conductor announcing the next station and transfers.

Your station is still far, so you lay back comfortably on the seat and chat with your Pokémon to take your mind off the Subway Boss.

"If a Trainer boards at the next stop, would you like to battle?", you ask. The Pokémon approves.

You enter the station at full speed and your eyes quickly glide over Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet, talking on the platform.

Your heart races.

"That's him!", you cry out excitedly, startling your Pokémon.

You immediately get up and rush to the doors, holding on to the bar because of the speed.

They barely open when you get out hurriedly and call out, "Subway Boss Ingo!"

He and his brother walk away, seemingly not paying attention due to all the blare around.

You and your Pokémon run after them.

"Sir! Subway Boss Ingo!", you pronounce as loud as you can, stressing on his first name.

Alerted, the two men turn around, and eventually notice you as you catch up with them.

"H-hello... I... I...", you pant, hand on your chest.

"Hey! Everything okay?", Emmet asks with a reassuring smile.

"Y-yes! S-sorry... I-I'm, hum..."

"Passenger (Name) (Surname)? Please, catch your breath, it will be all right.", advises Ingo.

He remembers you!

Being able to see him, you are now smiling from ear to ear.

"I... I've been looking for you, Mister Ingo!", you chirp.

Lambency (Ingo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now