8. A White Lie

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As a former Pokémon Trainer who used to travel the world, you are willing to admit that the ascent of a snowy mountain and subsequent crossing of a glacier is one of the most difficult challenges you have ever encountered. You realise how little prepared you were.

How ignorant you were of the harsh conditions in which people used to live, and are still living in some icy regions of the world.

How dependent you are on technology. You do not even have a map to orientate yourself. You are only relying on the Pearl Clan's knowledge and experience in guiding you through the white valleys.

How much you count on Pokémon's cooperation with human beings. 

While a part of your group set off to the North, some of Adaman's men and their Pokémon, including Rhyhorn, returned to the Crimson Mirelands, not only to transport the Diamond Clan's freight, but also because those Pokémon would have been unable to survive the biting frost.

After spending the night in the hollow of the mountain, you continued your journey towards the Icelands. 

"We're very lucky! The weather is great, and the temperature is mild. Today's the best day to visit the Icelands!", Irida tells you gleefully, with but a mantle on her shoulders. The other members of the Pearl Clan agree with that statement.

You and the Diamond Clan's leader feel a quiet rage boiling inside. The man is bundled up from head to toe and tightly holds Leafeon inside his thick coat.


There is beauty, out there, in these seemingly endless immaculate wastelands.

You enjoy the sight of Ice-type Pokémon frolicking in the snow. A few Bergmite even dare to come closer to your expedition, out of curiosity.

You then approach what Irida calls Avalugg's Legacy, a series of massive ice formations laying in the centre of the Alabaster Icelands. She describes with passion how significant this place is for her clan.

The sun kisses the ice, which glistens.

You observe the plants and trees that you would have never expected to see growing in such climate.

"What is it? It looks so beautiful.", you ask Irida, while showing her a plant with large blue leaves.

"That's a Sand Radish! They're most abundant around there, so don't hesitate to uproot as many as you want! We'll cook a delicious soup and pickle them upon reaching the village! Yum-yum!"

You accept her offer and begin to harvest half a dozen of them along the way.

"Wow, (Name), slow down here.", warns Adaman. "You won't be able to carry them all, moreover your bag is already full of all the stuff you've collected from the folks in Jubilife!"

"That's fine, I'll hand over some of them to Irida's people! I'll have plenty of space to store vegetables and seedlings growing around here."

"What are you gonna do with them? Eat pickled radishes to your heart's content?"

"Maybe, but I also want to give them to Tulsi! She told me that she had never left the Crimson Mirelands, so I presume that she's probably never seen any of these!", you explain happily.

Adaman smiles with gratitude.

"Here we are!", Irida announces. Her Glaceon happily darts off in the direction she is pointing at.

It actually takes you a few seconds to understand that you have arrived to the Pearl Settlement. You squint and finally discern, a few kilometres away, some white dwellings concealed between the slopes and pine trees. Smoke comes out from every chimney.

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