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~~~~~~~Y/n Soot ~~~~~~~

Is the sister of Wilbur Soot 

She/her pronouns will be used

Bi (Sorry if you aren't)

Age: 17 

Birthday: 4/02

~~~~~~~ Ranboo ~~~~~~~

Friends with Wilbur Soot

He/Him pronouns will be used 

Ranboo is a famous streamer 

Age: 17

Birthday: 11/02

~~~~~~~ Wilbur Soot ~~~~~~~

Brother of Y/n Soot

He/Him pronouns will be used

Wilbur is a famous streamer

Age: 25

Birthday: 9/14/1996

~~~~~~~ F/n (father's name) ~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~ M/n (Mother's name) ~~~~~~~

Amazing but dead

~~~~~~~ Tubbo (Toby) ~~~~~~~

Bestfriend of Y/n Soot

He/Him pronouns will be used

Famous streamer, like Ranboo and Wilbur

Age: 18

Birthday: 12/23/2003

(A/n: More will be added in the future) 

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