"Go ahead and act like I don't have an affect on you, Adagio. We'll see who wins in the end."


Jumping over the all-too familiar ditch, my mouth forms into a slight smile, remembering every time I've encountered this part of the scenery. It could definitely hurt if someone fell into it, making it a hazard to jump over, but Apple Bloom has dragged me over it countless times at this point. I think she told me she sprained her ankle once from falling in, but she disregarded the injury simply because she's hurt herself so many times around this farm that it barely makes the top ten. I've never understood why the Apple Family seems proud of their injuries... It's like they try to boast how much they've lived through when they could have easily died. There was one time Apple Bloom proudly showed me an inch-long scar on her shoulder, telling me she got it from falling off the roof close to the wagon. Not her bright red, child-size wagon either. The one they attached to the truck for hay rides back at the reunion. I mean, hell... She probably could have gotten hurt a lot more, so she's lucky only getting a small scar, but her family talk about it as a fun story.

Regardless, the ditch is something I've come to memorize at this point. It tells me that I'm close to the clubhouse where the Cutie Mark Crusaders conduct their operations. These operations usually consist of trying new things together to try and find their calling in the world. It's not a half bad idea either with how society basically forces people to decide what they want to do from a young age. Sunset told me how her financial aid applications for college basically required her to have an established major from day one, making it seem like kids these days are given little chance to experiment with life. Or to make mistakes. Thankfully, Rich agreed to pay for Sunset's college fees for the rest of her school days, so she won't have to worry about that. I should tell her about that... In terms of Apple Bloom and her friends, I'm not sure what they will do for college.

Apple Bloom has expressed her interest in going to college, but she also told me it probably won't happen since she might need to take over the farm someday. In no way do I think college is a necessity for her life to be a good one, but if she does want to pursue higher education, I kind of think it's a shame that the farm may prevent her from doing that. It doesn't seem like that will be the case though since Applejack wants to hold onto the farm as long as she can. I actually asked her for permission to go see Apple Bloom before I made it here... I suppose because I try to respect her and not sneak around her property without consent. That and I suppose I wanted to know if Applejack was mad at me for what happened between Apple Bloom and I... Thankfully, she seemed to understand the situation and granted me access to go to their clubhouse. Now the only problem I have left is actually talking to Apple Bloom and trying to straighten things out...

Walking through the trees, the light from a clearing hits my eyes, stunning me momentarily. It's the same clearing I've seen a dozen times now, the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse sitting in the middle with a garden off to the side. Apple Bloom's favorite red wagon sits right outside the clubhouse, tied to the tree with a thick rope. I suppose the young cowgirl is afraid of someone stealing her alternative for a backpack, but for someone to come all the way out here just to steal a wagon is a longshot. I would be impressed if that was a thief's only goal... Within a moment, I notice a white girl looking out the window, her eyes connecting with mine briefly. Shock comes over her face, causing her to close the blinds to put a barrier between us. This is starting off well...

Getting closer to the clubhouse, I look up at the door, contemplating walking up the stairs... Would it be rude of me to knock on their door...? I know that I'm probably the last person Apple Bloom wants to see, but how else am I supposed to make things better between us? I've already waited a couple weeks to even come here, so that looks pretty bad to begin with. Then again, I haven't really had the time to spare... Literally. Fancy Pants increased my shifts due to the increasing size of students that we have, so I couldn't really come here until today. Why does this have to be so complicated...?

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