Eren's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah. That's why she was more emotionless in my Universe." Founder Eren said. "That day, her parents' dead bodies were what prompted me to kill those kidnappers." He turned to Eren. "But since you didn't see that, I had to convince you that day."

"I see." Eren said, still shocked.

"So, back to my point. I used to admire her since the day she started living with us so I was never jealous of her. And you always wanted to be like her so you saw her as an idol so you were never jealous of her either. But, a lot of Erens want to be stronger than her. That's what makes us different."

Silence fell upon them.

"So, you must have visited different universes. Right?" Eren asked, breaking the few moments of silence.

"Yeah." Founder Eren replied.

"So, is there an universe where titans do not exist and we all live happily, like Eren, Mikasa, Armin, our friends and families, we all living together?" Eren asked.

"There exists thousands of them." Founder Eren replied. "We are just unlucky enough to not be born there."

"Yeah..." Eren said, looking down.

"I have visited an universe where Armin was the Founding Titan and he started the Rumbling too." Founder Eren said.

Eren's eyes widened and mouth hang opened. "Are you joking?"

"No. That's real." Founder Eren said. "There are universes too where Eren couldn't save Mikasa in time."

Eren gapsed and looked down. "I don't even want to think about it..."

"Me too." Founder Eren said. "You know, there exists some universes where Eren would be like a real devil."

"Huh? Aren't we all?" Eren asked.

"I mean we are but those versions are different." Founder Eren said. "Atleast I committed genocide for my people but those Eren do it for fun."

"I see." Eren said. "Any other universes?"

"I have been to one where Eren exterminate 100% people outside of Paradise." Founder Eren said.

"Did the scouts not stop him in time or did he take their titan powers?" Eren asked.

"Well, he killed them during the battle to Heaven and Earth." Founder Eren said. "He killed Mikasa too."

Eren took a deep breath, not wanting to believe it. "So, we Erens are messed up in mind. Huh?"

"I believe we are." Founder Eren said and looked away. "Otherwise, we couldn't have killed those kidnappers without remouse at the age of 9."

"You're right." Eren said.

Silence fell upon them.

Eren turned to Founder Eren and spoke up after some moments. "Can you tell me how did you muster the courage to start the rumbling? How did you feel while killing those people?" He calmly asked.

Founder Eren looked down. "I don't have a clear answer... That day when I saw my own future through my Dad's memories, I wanted to kill myself... The sight was horrible." His eyes widened at the memory. "For four years, I kept questioning myself whether or not it's the only option. I wanted to run away with Mikasa that day, abandoning everything behind. But, it didn't happen." He looked at his palm. "In the end, I had to stain my hands with the blood of billions of innocents." He clenched his fist. "I can still hear those scream of despair. But at the end, it turned out worthless..." He sighed and looked down. "When she killed herself..."

Eren put his hand on Founder Eren's shoulder. "I could never understand your pain and the burdon you carried for years. But, I can understand you better than anyone else." Founder Eren looked at him. "You did that to protect your loved ones. I am not a supporter of genocide but I understand you. I would have done the same if I was on your shoes."

"Hmm..." Founder Eren said.

"So, when are you leaving our universe and be freed?" Eren asked.

"May be after a few more years." Founder Eren said and turned to the Coordinates. "I can't go this sooner. Not until Paradise becomes a super power."

"We are grateful for that, Founder Eren." Eren said.

Founder Eren nodded.

"I want to know how did you manage to stay here, all alone, for 2000 years?" Eren asked. "You have suffered a lot."

"Yeah. But some of the Erens accross the multiverse have fate worse than this." Founder Eren said and turned to the coordinates. "I am glad I managed to save you all from having the same fate.

"And we're grateful for that." Eren said.

Again silence fell upon them.

"What do you think will happen after you leave this universe?" Eren asked, breaking the silence.

"That's something the creators of this multiverse know." Founder Eren replied and closed his eyes. "A world without titan powers is beautiful to be honest."

"Yeah." Eren said.

"If only Founder Ymir hadn't released those cows that day..." Founder Eren said and opened his eyes.

Eren looked at him. "So, she released cows in your universe. Interesting."

"Yeah." Founder Eren said and turned to him. "I believe it's time for you to go home and talk with Mikasa."

"Yeah..." Eren said and looked down.

"Why don't you surprise Mikasa tomorrow?" Founder Eren asked.

"Huh?" Eren said, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"You'll soon get it."


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