"Yeah, come on, come on," Scott said softly leading us away from her,

"Malia came here to get through the full moons. Then we started using the lake house," Lydia told them,

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house," Mrs. Martin said throwing Lydia a shocked look, and Lydia looked away,

"Just be happy about all the things I don't tell you," Lydia said in a shushed tone,

"Yeah, like the bounty hunters that tried to get us," I muttered softly,

"Bounty hunters!?" She asked looking between us, Lydia threw in a punch at my shoulder, and I let out a nervous chuckle,

"Don't worry about it," I said dismissively, then the faint sound of growling and bones snapping made us all turn back to see a very, naked Malia standing before us,

"It's all right. I'm okay," Malia said to us, the sheriff turned away immediately and Scott looked at the floor,

"Um, Leo," Mrs. Martin said, I looked over at her and she gave me a look with wide eyes, nodding to Malia, I looked over at her then back to Mrs. Martin, before it clicked,

"Oh, please, nudity around werewolves is a very common thing," I told her,

"He's right, we had to chase down Liam one full moon, and all he had on were his boxer," Scott said with a low laugh,

"Plus, there's nothing on her that does anything for me," I told them as Mrs. Martin walked over with Malia's clothes, "I put the homo, in homosexual, okay? If she were a guy, with broad shoulders, a strong jawline and all the other features, then sure, but this a no for me,"

"At least he's bluntly honest," The sheriff muttered and Scott laughed, "Any idea what made her shift?"

"She's under a lot of pressure. School, her life after graduation," Scott told him,

"Her mom trying to kill her," Lydia added on,

"Her bio dad, is Peter fricking Hale," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I mean pick you're poison,"

"That shouldn't make her shift," Scott said shaking his head,

"Then what?" I asked,

"Could it be connected to Stiles?" Scott asked,

"Maybe, maybe not," I answered with a shrug,

"Hard to tell, since we don't know what a "Stiles" is," Lydia said to him,

"It's a "he." The sheriff said and we all looked up at him,

"Who?" Scott asked, as Malia came over to us,

"Stiles. It's a family nickname," he told us, "I never used it but, uh, my father did,"

Lydia and Scott went to the Sheriff's place to learn about Stiles, Malia had to re-retake her test, and I got different mission.


"What do you mean she saw one?" I asked Hayden, she looked back at Liam then to me,

"After the ghost rider took her sister, she said she saw one on her front lawn," Hayden explained to me, I sighed as I looked around at the others,

"Which means she's next on their radar," I muttered, then I thought to myself, Until they find me,

"Okay? So what do we do?" Liam asked,

"Well, it's hard to protect someone from something we can't see," I sighed, I leaned against the lockers and tried to think of a plan,

"Corey can see them," Mason piped up, I looked over at the boy and he pushed Corey closer to me, "It's his chameleon powers, they allow him to see things that don't exist in this plan of reality,"

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