4 - Thirteen

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4 x 01 ~ The Dark Moon

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4 x 01 ~ The Dark Moon


Leo's PoV (Desert attire above^^)

"I want it on record this is all Stiles' fault," I said from my laid position on the floor, I stared up at the grey ceiling and sighed as I couldn't tell if it was day or night, given how long we were down here,

"How is this my fault!?" Stiles asked back sounding offended, I pushed myself up to look at the boy as he stood beside Malia, with his arms crossed,

"You were the one who said I'll handle the negotiations," I snapped at him, mocking his words from before we split up, "and look at what happened,"

"She wasn't going to negotiate with you or Scott," Stiles said back to me and I scoffed before laying back down, "your both Alphas and technically we broke into her property,"

"And now she's holding us against our will, and only god knows what she's doing to Lydia!" I said angrily,

"Well if you two could stop yelling at each other maybe we could hear, what's happening," Kira spoke up, I looked over at the girl and she raised her hands in silent defeat, "or, I could just let you two argue it out,"

"Well, we wouldn't even be here in the first place if your boyfriend hadn't gotten himself kidnapped," Stiles said to me and I glared at him, he put on a cocky smile, "Boom! Facts!"

"I hate you so much," I muttered before laying back down, I didn't really hate him, he was just annoying at times,

"Leo's boyfriend is Derek, right?" Malia asked and I groaned loudly,

"Yup," Stiles popping the 'p', "The sour wolf, and his mean boy, alpha, boyfriend,"

"I am not the mean boy!" I said flying up to look at him and he laughed, then Kira and Scott joined in,

"You kind of are," Scott said to me and I threw him the most offended look I could muster, "I mean you, I remember being scared of you all freshman year,"

"See," Stiles said before pointing at the others, "Scott's the golden boy who's also the jock. Kira's the innocent one. Malia's unfiltered. Lydia's both beauty and brains. I'm the sarcastic one... which leaves you as the mean one and Derek as the bad boy,"

I stared at him with my mouth opened, I looked over at Scott and Kira who nodded along before scoffing and pouting at them.

"I hate all of you," I said softly but they heard me and chuckled lowly at my words,

"See, classic mean boy," Stiles said sounding a bit too triumphant, I sighed harder before laying back down and staring at the ceiling again,

"I just wanna get my boyfriend, and my best friend and get the hell out of Mexico," I said to myself, I groaned as I looked at the walls and saw the hundreds of claw marks along the walls,

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