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3 x 20 ~ Echo House

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3 x 20 ~ Echo House


Leo's PoV

"I still don't understand why anyone would think Derek murdered someone?" I muttered as I walked back and forth through my living,

"Maybe because it's Derek?" A voice said in a rhetorical manner, I turned and glared at Aiden as he stuffed his mouth full of some food from my fridge, I glanced at Lydia and Ethan who were both shaking their heads in disappointment,

"Remind me, beside having sex and his cute face... what do you see in him?" I asked Lydia, but I didn't take my eyes off the twin werewolf,

"Too much," Lydia muttered,

"You think my face is cute?" Aiden asked, well mumbled out between bites,

"Its your brother's... same brother I had a threesome with," I said to him in 'duh' tone, "you connect the dots,"

"I still can't believe you waited this long to tell me," Lydia complained, I turned at her and a smile broke out as I watched her begin to put,

"I still can't believe it happened," Ethan added in with a smirk, Lydia and I turned to face the boy and he looked between and shrugged his shoulders, "I got to hook up with two of the hottest guys at Beacon Hills, at the same time, I refuse to feel shame about that,"

"Boys," Lydia and I said together with a loud sigh,

"Okay, can we go back to the real issue," I said as I dropped down on the one seater, "Derek and Allison's dad are sitting in a jail cell, about to be charge for a crime they didn't commit,"

"A crime which the Nogitsune possessing Stilinski did commit," Aiden chimed in from the kitchen, he walked back around with a tray of food and sat between his brother and Lydia,

"It still hard to believe that Stiles, skinny, defenseless, Stiles, killed someone," I said lowly, and Ethan nodded looking into the distance,

"Stiles didn't, he couldn't," Lydia said coming to boy's defence, "he's doesn't like the sight of blood, his or anyone else's,"

"Now Derek's gonna pay the price," Ethan said grimly, he looked up at me and I saw the concern in his eyes, "Leo-"

"We need to do something," I said standing and cutting him off,

"Like?" Aiden asked,

"Getting him out of jail," I said nodding to myself,

"Please don't tell me your planning on breaking him out of jail," Lydia said with a concerned look, but it was more annoyed an any other emotion,

"Yes!" Aiden cheered,

"No," Lydia and I snapped,

"We need to prove his innocence," I said to them and they all nodded slowly, Ethan then stood up and looked at me sternly,

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