6 ~ Forty-six

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6 x 02 ~ Superposition ____________________

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6 x 02 ~ Superposition

Leo's POV

I'm tired. Like more tired than I've ever felt before, and I'm an alpha werewolf-kitsune hybrid, who can run for miles, fight from sunrise to sunset, and have multiple rounds of sex... and yet, so fucking I'm tired.

Exhausted even.

"Leo," someone called out, then there was a tap my shoulder, I turned my gaze over and saw a very concerned Scott looking at me, "You okay?"

"No," I muttered shaking my head,

"You talked to you're family?" He asked and I nodded, "And? How'd it go?"

"Well..." I begun to say as my voice trailed off,


"I don't fucking care!" My dad roared, the walls around us rattled from the fury of his voice alone, I looked to Jack who was covering his ears, before I turned back to the scene unfolding before us,

Normally when parents fight it's a bit of arguing, maybe a few swear words, the occasional insults, hell, even threats about divorce could've been made against each other.

However this wasn't anything like that.

I watched as my dad went from the objectively handsome man that he was, to a full-on anger induced, raging werewolf

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I watched as my dad went from the objectively handsome man that he was, to a full-on anger induced, raging werewolf. His jaws clenched and unclenched, as the moments passed, so after his eyes begun to glow blue, his fangs out and claws at the ready.

My mom was equally pissed out, but it was more of an internal struggle than my dad's outward shift. But that didn't stop her eyes were glowing amber, and even her fox aura begun slipping out as minutes passed by.

"Thomas, calm down," my mom said back at him, in her own annoyed tone,

"Calm down? Calm down!" My dad snapped, he turned on her, huffing and snarling, his eyes shining brighter than ever, making him look feral, "There's a horde of demon cowboys of there, currently abducting people, hunting people and searching for our son! And you want me to fucking calm down!?!"

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