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3 x 23 ~ Insatiable

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3 x 23 ~ Insatiable


Leo's PoV

"Hold still. Don't fight it. Hold still," Deaton said as he held Aiden under the stream of water in the locker room, I looked away from the sight as he had his hand down the boy's throat and Aiden grunted, "Almost there,"

Then I heard coughing, and Aiden stepped out of the water and stood beside his brother, then he turned to Isaac and I said, "Isaac, you're next,"

"I'm aware. All right?" Isaac said as he grabbed the boy and pulled him under the water, I looked back down at my phone and tried to call Lydia for the fifth time, only it to go straight to voicemail again,

"Don't fight it. Don't fight. Isaac, stay still. Got it," Deaton said with sigh and Isaac stepped away from the man, he turned off the shower,

"Are they okay now?" Allison asked him and he nodded slightly,

"I hope so. The part that's worrisome, is that this was most likely just a distraction for what was happening to Stiles," he explained to us and I bit my lip trying not to panic,

"There's really two of them now? How's that even possible?" Kira asked him,

"But how did the other one just take Lydia?" Allison added her question as well,

"We turned around and they were gone. So was her car," he told us,

"So no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house?" Aiden asked and I heard the anger in his voice,

"Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature, materializing from out of the floor," Deaton said back to him in a tired tone, and the others nodded slightly,

"Hold on. How are you so sure which Stiles is which?" Kira asked him,

"That's what they're trying to figure out now," He said to her and I looked over at him,

"How?" I asked him, he looked from to Kira,

"The same way, each of you were checked," Deaton said to us and I saw Kira's eyes go wide, she turned and ran out the locker room and I moved after her, we got in my car and sped down the the McCall house hoping to get there before a mistake was made,

"Stop!" Kira yelled as we ran into the house, I spotted her mother, Scott's mother, Scott and a wobbling Stiles standing in the living room,

"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come," Stiles said to Kira,

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords. Mom, don't do this to him," Kira pleaded to her mother,

"It's already done," her mother said to her, the shrill noise of the Oni echoed in the room, as shadows appeared around Stiles, they stepped forward and gripped his head, staring into his eyes, they released him and he fell to the floor, "Look behind his ear,"

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