My love for you

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  • Dedicated to Brenden Arszmen

My love for you is like a sweet flower waiting to bloom in the warm, windy summer.

My love for you makes me feel so alive, I can hardly contain the pride I have for all the world to hear me cry it out.

You are perfect, untamable by god's and demon's alike.

You are a warrior, a complete human being; love always finds it's way to your soft, silky lips.

And as I lay on my cloud of peace, I imagine you here holding me in your safe grip and telling me the world will melt away and we can be together forever.

But as love is as a soft rose, we must Cherish it with carefulness and thoughtfulness; till the day I die, will be the day you realize the love I have for you glows softly in the darkest of nights.

Our love bounds no limits, nothing in this life nor any other can keep me from saying those three little words.

I love you...



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