Chapter 17 Final Breath of Life (Goldie)

Start from the beginning

"No, do not make excuses for me. I am the only one out of the whole group who could have at least protected you." Goldie opened his eyes to be able to gaze into your (E/C) one's. His jaw clenched in his frustrations now.
"If I hadn't of been so desperate to get you to remember me then maybe, this wouldn't have happened."

Is that how he really felt? His words felt distant. Like a hazy dream trying to escape after just waking up. But that's not the truth. This wasn't his fault. None of this was. You didn't want him to think that way!

"N-no!-" you wheezed, moving too suddenly to try and get your point across. You coughed turning away, fighting the blood that came up from your throat to be swallowed back down. You didn't want to spit it out on the floor in front of him, not that he'd care about you spitting. (He's more worried there was blood to begin with.)

"Shh, it's okay, you don't need to talk aloud." Goldie clenched his hand more around yours, gently intertwining your fingers together.

It's not your fault! It's not your fault!

Hearing you thinking made Goldie's heart twist into knots. He didn't have to hear your thoughts to know the sort of shape you were in, but with seeing physically and now hearing mentally he knew you didn't have much longer. You needed help. Human help.

"(Y/N)." Goldie couldn't help but whisper. Lowering his head to rest against your own. He felt you relaxing at the contact. Even if his skin was cold to the touch due to him no longer being alive it was clear the contact relaxed you.
"If only I had been more powerful than I am now. You wouldn't be suffering like this. I could have locked your memories away, I don't care what that puppet says. You don't deserve this fate. I wish you could go back to how your life was before and forget about us. Forget about me."

But I don't want to forget about the others. Especially you.

You squeezed your hand around his. An attempt to remind him that you're here with him now and not at home like he'd want. To him this felt bitter sweet. Goldie laughed leaving away from you. Distance in his eyes as he shook his head. His shoulders slouched.

"You say that but you don't really know me anymore. You have no idea how much of a monster I've become. I've killed so many innocent people. All because they were security guards. I allowed my anger to go unchecked for years, shamelessly slaughtering guards id keep a close eye on solely because they reminded me of him." Goldie laughed under his breath. Clearly sarcastic and not out of genuine happiness. He turned his head, purposely avoiding your gaze.

I don't think you're a monster for that. You were hurt. At the time you were still a kid. We both were. You got cheated out of a real childhood. As long as you're trying to do better now isn't that what really matters?

Your breathing was slowing down, and your body began to lightly shake in his touch. Had this been back in the pizzeria with you in perfect health hed of mistaken this for fear. But he knew that this wasn't. Maybe that's what made him so bitter to begin with. You didn't know. How could you? Your mind was so strained.

"Open your eyes (Y/N). I am a monster. Even now everything I do is out of selfish intentions. I-I just wanted you to remember me the most. I-I just wanted to hear you talking to me again. Saying my name again even if it's different now. I'm a selfish being. A monster." Goldie whispered, lips brushing against the knuckles of your hand that he held so close. Each word a heavy breath against your skin.

There was a moment of silence. You were trying to think of what to properly say, and those moments were clearly awful for him. The anticipation was killing him. He thought for sure you'd say you hate him now. After all how could you not upon hearing what he's said?

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