You Idiot

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Avi's POV

With an odd click like noise three heart shaped objects popped into existence in front of all three of us. The one in front of me was an odd purple and green.

"See those hearts?" "Those are your Soul's. "The very culmination of your beings!" Flowey said with a big grin.

"Why are ours dif-" I attempt to ask him how ever he interrupts me.

"Your Souls start out weak, but they can grow stronger if you all gain a lot of LV." He exclaims not caring about what I was saying.

"And what is LV then?" Spice interjects.

"What's LV stand for?" Flowey says with a hint of mockery in his voice. "Why, LOVE, of course!"

"You want some LOVE, don't you?" He continues. "Don't worry I'll share some with you~!"

"And what if we don't want any?" Spice comments trying to get us out of this situation.

"Too bad for you then cause your getting some!" Flowey said and with a ting fifteen white egg shaped thing appeared over his head.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through..." Flowey pauses for a moment thinking.

"Little white..."

"Friendliness pellets."

"Are you ready?" He asks. "Move around!" "Get as many as you can!"

I swiftly moved forward trying to catch one of the pellets but as my hand came into contact with a pellet all I felt was a sharp pain in it. I fell down as I felt the pain rush throughout my entire body.

"You Idiot."

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