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I stand in the kitchen the following Sunday at the stove, making breakfast while Mia showers when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn to see Emily standing in the kitchen, trying not to look at the fact that I'm only wearing boxers. "God! I'm sorry. I forgot that you were here now." I blush, rushing from the kitchen and throw on a t-shirt and some sweat pants, returning in time to flip the bacon I left on the stove.

Emily giggles, "it's fine. I do appreciate you being clothed though."

I laugh, "don't worry, I don't actually live here. Though I am here a lot. If I bother you, please just tell me. I promise you won't hurt my feelings. Mia is just in the shower, she should be out soon." I pointed to the eggs and bacon I already made, "do you want breakfast?"

"Eggs, please. I don't eat meat."

"Oh. Sure." I grab a plate and place eggs and some toast on it and slide it to her on the counter.

"Thanks Colin." She glances at the entrance of the kitchen and back at me, "you're really good for Mia, don't let what my parents think or say get to you."

I lean on the counter in front of her, "I appreciate you saying that. I'm madly in love with your sister. I have been since I first met her."

She smiles, "I can tell she's in love with you too. I've never seen her look at someone like she does you. Don't screw it up."

I laugh, "I promise, I won't."


"I really like your sister." I glance at Mia as I drive us to my parents house for a late lunch, early dinner later in the day as she chuckles. Suddenly my face flushes red, "I don't mean like. I just mean, she's cool. Fuck, I would never.."

Mia laughs, "I knew what you meant Colin. Calm down."

She rests her hand on my thigh to calm me, but it only excites me as I shake my head, "sorry. I've dated insecure girls before that got jealous if I even looked at another girl."

She laughs again, moving her hand up my thigh, "I knew what you meant. And I'm not an insecure girl. I'm a woman and I trust my sister, and I trust you. I love you Colin."

"I love you too babe." I glance down at my lap as she reaches my zipper, "what are you doing?" I'm already straining against the zipper as she begins to undo my jeans. "Amelia!"

She gasps, "you did not just Amelia me!"

I laughed, "I'm trying to drive."

She giggled, "so? You let me after my friends wedding."

I groan, gripping the steering wheel tighter as she frees me from my pants, "because I was fucking desperate for you and needed you right away."

"Well I'm desperate for you now. Also.." She leans over and runs her tongue along the crown, lapping up the bit of arousal that was already leaking from the tip. "I kind of like when you call me Amelia."

"Fuck," I hiss, hitting the steering wheel as she takes me into her mouth, bobbing urgently as I continue to hit the back of her throat. "Fucking damnit, Amelia!" She giggles again as I shake my head, placing my hand on the back of her head. "That mouth..." I groan as I feel everything begin to tighten and I try to focus on the road in front of me. "I'm going to come in that pretty mouth of yours." She moans around my cock, sending my orgasm rocketing through me as she laps up every drop greedily before pulling away as I reach the street my parents live. "Damnit woman. Why?"

She shrugs as I pull into the driveway, fixing my pants. "I wanted to. See, could we do that if we had kids?"

I laughed as she pulled some mints from her purse, placing one in her mouth, "we would find the time. I promise you that." I quickly pull her into an urgent kiss before getting out of the car. "Let's do this." I grab her hand, leading her into the house where we are first greeted by my nephew. I crouch down to his level as she does the same beside me, "Justin, this is my girlfriend Mia. Mia, this is my nephew Justin."

She grins at him, "it's nice to meet you Justin."

He nods and runs away as my sister and brother in law enter, "this is my sister Colleen and her husband Tyler." I greeted them both before introducing her to my parents, Judy and Greg. I was happy to finally make it to the dining room table with her at my side. I let out a long sigh as my mother started in on the questions.

"So how old are you exactly, Mia?"

"I'm 33. My birthday is in December."

Judy nods, "what is it that you do? Colin hasn't told us anything about you."

I grip Mia's thigh nervously, but she doesn't seem nervous at all as she smiles at my parents. "I own my own company. That's how I met Colin, he works around the office part time."

"Soon to be taking on more responsibilities." I smile as Mia turns to smile at me and nods. I look back at my parents, "I signed up for business classes this week so I can take on more work at Mia's company."

"Oh.." My parents both stop to look at me as I hear Colleen chuckle beside me. Judy finally looks at Mia, "well, I guess we should thank you for helping Colin to grow up and stop wasting time with music."

Mia scoffs, "he's not stopping music because he's good at it. And I would never make him stop something that makes him happy. He'll continue to do both."

"Well what about kids? No offense, but you aren't exactly getting any younger."

"Mom!" Colleen speaks up before I get a chance to, "that's none of our business. Also, that's incredibly rude."

Mia only shakes her head, "thanks Colleen." She looks back at my mother, "that will be something that Colin and I decide." She turns to face me, a small smile on her face, "frankly, I'm not sure I can take being a father away from him. I know he'll be a great one."

I grin at her as my heart beats erratically in my chest, "you mean it?"

She nods, not taking her eyes off me, "one. Yes. We can negotiate further." She leaned towards me so that only I could hear her, "can we not discuss this anymore in front of your parents?"

I nod, "of course!"

Colleen clears her throat beside me, "actually, Tyler and I are having another baby." My mother squeals and I'm glad that she takes the heat off me and Mia.

Mia leans to my ear once more as everyone else starts talking about Colleen's baby, "you never thanked me. In the car."

I chuckle, kissing her neck softly, "thank you, Mistress." I wink at her as she bites her lip, leaning back in her chair making my cock jumps to attention once again.

Good Boy (Colin Shea) 🧡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang