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I wake up with a jolt, turning to see Mia standing in the doorway of our bathroom, a puddle at her feet. "Baby time!"

She nodded, groaning, "baby time."

I laughed as I stood up from the bed, helping her to sit on the edge as I got dressed quickly. I popped an earbud in my ear and dialed Emily's number as I helped Mia get dressed. I stopped abruptly when Tanner answered the phone, obviously having been asleep. "Tanner?"

'Yeah, man, why the fuck are you calling so late at night.'

"Baby time! Tell Emily to meet us at the hospital."

'Fuck. Okay.'

I laugh as the other line goes silent, and I toss my earbud on the dresser and look at Mia. "Ready to meet our daughter?"

She grins and nods, "or son. Yes."

"Our daughter, but let's go." I hear her giggle as I help her out into the car before going back to grab her bag. I jump into the driver's seat, looking at her, "we're having a baby!"

She groans, hunching over to clutch her stomach, "yes, in this car if you don't hurry the fuck up."

"Yes, Mistress." She chuckles, leaning back in the seat as I drive. By the time we're at the hospital and settled into a room, Emily has shown up. "Em. Thank goodness."

"She's here for me, not you." Mia laughs as I roll my eyes.

I smile at Emily, "she's had her epidural, so she's feeling a bit better.


What seems like forever later, our child finally arrives. I can't contain the massive grin as I'm ushered over to clip the umbilical cord.

"What is it, Colin?"

I turn to Mia with tears in my eyes that match hers, "looks like we're getting married."

She laughs through her tears as I carry our daughter over to her, placing her in her arms. "A daughter?"

I nod, "that's right."

"What are you going to name her?"

I glance up at Emily and back down to Mia. "Valerie?"

She nods, tears now streaking her cheeks, "I like it. Valerie Alexis Shea."

I lean down to kiss my daughter's head before pressing a kiss to Mia's lips. "Perfect. I love you so much."

"I'm going to call the grandparents and give you guys some time alone." Emily walked over to hug me before planting her own kiss on Valerie's head before leaving us alone in the room.

I sit on the edge of the bed beside them, "she's so beautiful." I rubbed my hand gently along the small blonde curls on her head. "She looks just like you."

Mia grinned, "we make pretty cute kids."

I laughed, "as in more than one?"

She shook her head, "nah. I'm actually good with just the one if you are."

"Me too. Mrs. Shea."

She giggled, leaning towards me and I closed the distance to kiss her. I kissed her deeply, trying to convey how I felt in that moment to her. "I'm happy to become Mrs. Shea. As long as I'm still Mistress in the bedroom."

"You will always be my mistress and my goddess, everywhere."

*2 weeks later*

"Everything ready for lunch?" I bring Valerie down to the kitchen to find Emily and Tanner helping Colin set the table and put out food and drinks for the arrival of our families. I don't make it very far before Emily comes to claim the baby from me with giggles. "How's my house boy." I wrap my arms around Colin as he laughs and shrugs.

"Tanner helped me with lunch. I just want our parents to get along and for your parents to like me."

I sighed, "don't worry about my parents. They don't even like me half the time." I hear him chuckle as he kisses the top of my head as there are knocks on the door. Everyone immediately fawns over Valerie and we're all sat at the kitchen table after introductions.

"Two weeks postpartum and you still managed to make everyone lunch?" My mother motioned to the food around the table with a pleased smile on her face.

I shrugged, "actually, Colin made lunch. In fact, he makes most meals. He's been really great, doing whatever he can."

"Oh... so what's the baby's full name?"

Colin squeezed my thigh, "Valerie Alexis Shea."

"You gave the baby his name even though you aren't married?"

I heard Colin sigh and saw him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye, "we will get married mom. Besides, it's his baby. Why wouldn't I give her his name?"

She shrugged as Colin got up and took the now fussing baby from her. "Because the baby is out of wedlock. I thought you guys would get married before she got here."

"Well we didn't." I glanced at Colin to ask if he needed help but he just shook his head and made her bottle.

"So are you going to have a wedding then?"

I looked at Colin's mom Judy, "probably not. I don't need a wedding. I just want to be married and move on with our lives." I heard my mom scoff and my father try to quiet her down, but Colin's parents smiled.

"Fair enough, Mia."

"Probably best to take your time and think about it before you get married anyways. You really need to think about if it's something you want; to be married to this boy."

"Mom!" Emily slammed her hand on the table as I heard Colin scoff from behind me with the baby.

He came to stand beside me, "look, I understand how I seem. And you know, a year ago you would have been correct about me. When I first met Mia, I never planned on anything serious. And I'm sure she thought the same when we started fooling around. But I'm here because I love Amelia and Valerie more than anything. Valerie was one hundred percent planned because we love each other. So us getting married won't change anything except for Mia's name and that's it. It doesn't change how either of us feel. So, you can keep your opinions about our relationship to yourself or you'll be finding yourself without visitation with your grandchild."

I accepted the baby from Colin as he leaned down to kiss my cheek, whispering an 'I love you' in my ear as he sat back beside me. My mom was silent, but Colin's dad smiled at him.

"We're proud of you son. You've grown a lot the last year."

Colin smiled, wrapping an arm around me, "took the right motivation."

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